Doing It Right

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When you plan for your eventual exit from the business, things can go amazingly well.

One of my favorite stories is about the business owner who was offered $52 million. That’s a nice round number; I wouldn’t it turn down. The business owner took the offer to one of his truste

When you plan for your eventual exit from the business, things can go amazingly well.

One of my favorite stories is about the business owner who was offered $52 million. That’s a nice round number; I wouldn’t it turn down. The business owner took the offer to one of his trusted advi- sors to get some sound advice. That was a wise and prudent decision on the seller’s part.

The advisor was smart, and he had a true commitment to his client. The advisor calmly said, “You know that’s a great offer, but I’m not sure that’s a fair offer or the best offer. If you’ll give me a little time, I will take this out to the marketplace. Let’s see what happens.”

He came back to his client within a month’s time. He had found a buyer for $70 million.

That business owner sold. Because he has sought help, the owner reaped even more from his business than he ever thought possible.

Now let’s look at what’s in it for everyone:

For the client, he’s got more money. Imagine another $18 million for the sale of the business.

What if this business owner was spiritual and the church-going type? He knows that his pastor’s dream is to pay off the church mort- gage and have the funds to hire an assistant pastor. That assistant would serve as the youth director. That business seller could be a big donor because he felt his heart tugged to help.

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