Reflecting on 2024

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Reflecting on the year and looking ahead to the new year

When I went into 2024 I had very little expectations on the year!

I ended 2023 by making a complete change in my business.  It wasn't a surprising change as I had been doing elements of planning without charging for it for the last 7 years!!

I walked into 2024 with a blank diary except for some Freelance bookings!

Launching my planning business in January at the usual 2 day Wedding Show in Coventry that I do every year, I walked away with 2 Wedding Coordinations and the Win Your Wedding for Dance lessons which then later converted to me also coordinating their day!

In between all of this, I also helped support an Online Book launch and the Marketing plan of a Music Festival which was sadly postponed but it still helped me to build my experience.

Alongside all of this I have been maintaining a Full Time job and also undergoing lots of Personal Development, the biggest of all being my Mindset which when I look back on January 2024 to know, wow the difference is incredible.  Thanks to a few friendly butt kick from some fellow MIBS I took the action to get my Mindset in a better place which has led me to being more open to feedback, applying for my local Ted X and also being able to spot my triggers and how to respond better, in particular my day job!

The biggest challenging moment came for me in the summer, when 24 hours before I was to head to Torquay to coordinate a wedding and then go on holiday, my Nan passed away.  My nan was always one of my biggest cheerleaders, loving to receive a text from me or an update from my mum on all the different things I was doing. 

That was a moment I had to dig deep!

I had a client I couldn't let down but through the relationship I had built in the lead up was able to share that I was in a moment of grieving. The wedding naturally was a success and I know my nan was proud.  It showed me that I can face any challenge and that I can keep my emotions in check, whilst internally crumbling.

Going into 2025, I again have a blank diary! Part of me is quite apprehensive, however, I'm starting the year with my usual Wedding Show and I have enquiries working their way through the pipeline plus I'm in a better position to also add different things to my marketing to get people to see how a planner can help them, whether it be a Wedding, a Book Launch, Birthday, Baby Shower, Business Conference and so much more

A lot can happen in a year and when you make a real conscious effort with your Networking, doing the do but also being ok to be vulnerable with your network, amazing things can happen!

I have decided that my word for 2025 is going to be Connection and I know that by having this focus, when I come to do my review for 2025 it's going to be an epic one!

I urge you to take the time to reflect on 2024 and take the lessons into 2025.

Through my work on Mindset, I was introduced to the world of Human Design and also Numerology

2025 = the year of 9 - 2+2+5

"the end of a cycle, the number nine invites us to reflect on and bring closure to the projects, dreams, relationships and ambitions we’ve cultivated over the past nine years. It’s a period of completion but also one of profound spiritual alignment and collective ascension. In 2025, we’ll be drawn to asking not just what we can receive from others but rather what we can give. Ironically, this shift toward service will create an abundance of its own as the more we give, the more we’ll receive"

Heres to 2025!!!

Charlotte x


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