Helping Your Child Succeed in Their Exams: A Parent’s Guide

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Do you have a child in an exam year at school? This blog post is packed with advice to help you and your teenager navigate your way through these first high-stakes exams.

Exams like the Junior Cert, GCSE, IGCSE, or National 5 can feel like a huge milestone in your child’s academic journey—and as a parent, you naturally want to help them navigate this time with as little stress and as much success as possible. It’s not just about encouraging them to work hard but also about guiding them to work smarter, using their time and energy effectively to achieve their best results.

In this guide, we’ll share practical advice on how you can support your child to tackle their exam papers, create an effective revision plan, and study in a way that balances covering the syllabus with extra focus on trickier areas. We’ll also highlight why topics like algebra are so important in maths exams and how you can help them make this a strong point.


Understanding the Exam: Helping Them Approach It Strategically

When your child walks into the exam hall, it’s easy for nerves to take over. Encourage them to take a moment to pause, breathe, and look through the paper before writing anything down. This initial scan helps them identify questions they feel confident answering straight away and gives them a sense of how to divide their time.

Advise them to start with the easier questions first. By securing those “quick wins” early, they’ll build confidence and get into a good flow. For the more challenging questions, remind them that it’s okay to skip and come back later. Spending too long on one question can eat into valuable time for other parts of the paper.

If your child is preparing for a maths exam, remind them that algebra will likely feature heavily across the paper. They’ll need to approach these questions carefully, double-check their work, and ensure they show all their steps. Even if the final answer isn’t perfect, many exam boards award partial marks for correct working, which can make all the difference.


Supporting Their Revision Plan

One of the best ways you can support your child is by helping them build a realistic and effective revision plan. Ideally, revision should start at least two to three months before the exam. This gives them enough time to cover the material without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.

Help them break the syllabus into smaller chunks. For maths, this might mean dividing topics like algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics into manageable sections. Similarly, for other subjects, you can break it down by chapters, themes, or question types. Encourage them to prioritise topics that carry more weight in the exam or areas where they feel less confident.

For example, in maths, algebra often accounts for a significant portion of the marks (around 40% in some exams). Encourage them to spend extra time on this topic while still leaving room to cover the rest of the course.

You can also help them create a timetable that includes a mix of subjects each day. Focusing on just one subject for hours on end can lead to burnout, so alternating topics will help keep their mind fresh and engaged.

Encourage them to incorporate past papers into their revision. These are invaluable for understanding the format of the exam, practising under timed conditions, and identifying patterns in the types of questions that are likely to come up. After they’ve completed a paper, sit down with them to review the marking scheme and discuss areas where they can improve.


Encouraging Effective Study Habits

It’s not just about the hours your child spends studying—it’s about how they use that time. One of the most effective ways to study is through active learning. Instead of passively reading notes or highlighting textbooks, encourage them to test themselves on what they’ve learned. They could try solving problems without looking at the answers, using flashcards, or explaining concepts out loud.

Maths, in particular, is a subject that benefits from lots of practice. Encourage your child to work through problems step by step, starting with the basics and gradually moving on to more challenging questions. Algebra, for example, is an area where regular practice can make a huge difference. The more familiar they become with solving equations, simplifying expressions, and working with graphs, the more confident they’ll feel.

Another helpful approach is the Pomodoro Technique. This involves studying for 25 minutes, taking a 5-minute break, and repeating the cycle. After four rounds, they can take a longer break. This method helps them stay focused and productive without feeling overwhelmed.

It’s also important to address weaker areas. While it’s natural for students to gravitate toward topics they find easier, tackling the more challenging material is where they’ll see the most improvement. Encourage them to spend a little time each day working on their weak spots. It might feel frustrating at first, but consistent effort will pay off.


Balancing the Syllabus and Weak Areas

One of the biggest challenges for students is finding a balance between covering the entire syllabus and dedicating extra time to areas they find difficult. You can help your child by sitting down together to create a plan that ensures all topics get covered while still leaving space for those tricky sections.

Encourage them to regularly review topics they’ve already studied. It’s easy to learn something once and then forget it while focusing on other areas. Spaced repetition—revisiting material at regular intervals—is a proven way to strengthen memory and understanding.

Remind your child that quality matters more than quantity. A focused hour solving problems or testing themselves is far more effective than three hours of half-hearted note-reading. If you notice them losing focus, suggest they take a short break and come back to it later.


The Importance of Algebra in Maths Exams

If your child is preparing for a maths exam, it’s worth emphasising the importance of algebra. Whether they’re sitting the Junior Cert, GCSE, IGCSE, or National 5, algebra typically plays a huge role in the paper. In fact, in many exams, it accounts for around 40% of the marks.

Algebra is also foundational for other topics, like coordinate geometry and functions, so mastering it can boost their confidence across the board. Encourage your child to start with the basics—solving simple equations and simplifying expressions—before moving on to more complex areas like quadratic equations and graphs.

If algebra feels overwhelming for them, remind them that it’s okay to start small and build up gradually. Practising a little bit every day can make a big difference, and there are plenty of online resources, videos, and revision guides that can help clarify tricky concepts.


How You Can Support Them

As a parent, your role during exam preparation is about more than just making sure they study—it’s about creating an environment that supports their learning and well-being. Encourage them to take breaks, get enough sleep, and eat healthy meals. A well-rested, well-fed brain is far more effective than one running on caffeine, sugary snacks and stress!

Be patient and understanding if they’re feeling overwhelmed. Offer encouragement and remind them of their progress, especially when they’re struggling. Sometimes, all they need is a bit of reassurance to keep going.

And if they need extra help, don’t hesitate to explore tutoring or other support options. Sometimes a fresh perspective or targeted guidance can make a world of difference.


Final Thoughts

Exams can be challenging, but with the right approach, your child can tackle them confidently and achieve great results. Help them start early, create a plan, and focus on both their strengths and weaker areas. Encourage them to practise regularly, especially in key areas like algebra, and remind them to take care of themselves along the way.

Most importantly, remind them that exams are not about being perfect—they’re about doing their best. With your support, they’ll be ready to succeed.

If you’d like more guidance or support, feel free to reach out. Whether it’s one-on-one tutoring or advice on how to structure their revision, there’s always help available to make this journey a little easier for both of you.


Need extra help mastering algebra or organising your revision? Emerald Education offers tailored support to help you succeed. Whether you’re struggling with specific topics or just need guidance on where to start, we’re here to help!


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