Gifts from Nature - Clearing Toxic energies

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When the plants around us gift us the emotional support that we need


As the meadows bloom at a fast rate of knots, the summer cold snap is not affecting the growth. In fact, growth is being massively spurred on by excessive rain and the long daylight hours that we have here in Scotland.  I was musing last night when out with the dogs at just gone midnight, (YES – I am a night owl!) at how there was still a patch of north westerly sky that remained indifferent to the indigo of the rest of the sky…. its actually never quite dark here in mid-summer and hard to tell if the Indigo is a relative of dusk or dawn.


Anyway, I digress….

Snapping back to my thoughts and todays meanderings, as I note the wilderness around me proudly displaying its vast array of grasses, swathes of Buttercups that reach my upper thighs and Michaelmas daisies of similar proportions, peppered with the tiny starry faces of Chickweed, and the odd patch of Knapweed not yet sharing that vivid purple splash on the landscape. I find myself slightly disgruntled at the sheer height and proportion of the Common Sorrel that seems to be taking center stage in some areas.  Nagging remnants of childhood wasteland left unkempt and forlorn before they took back pride and created more amenable living space.

Actually, on thinking of childhood, Sorrel was a prized find, especially as the flowers dried and became dry and crumbled easily to replicate “mince” in our playground shop. 


Common Sorrel is actually a bit of a wonder plant and some interesting and important uses in herbal medicine, it is tall green and leafy and often the stems and leaves are tinged bright red and the teeniest tiniest profusion of bright red flowers lights up the landscape. It is more when it fades to the deep rustiness prized in childhood that it begins to remind me of dirty and mis kempt spaces where scary vermin lurked ready to scare the bejeezus out of me without as much as a by your leave.

In fairness it’s not Sorrel’s fault, it is and was, simply doing its thing…. Which is probably a good thing to remind US to do ………  So many thoughts playing in and out of my mind until I come to a standstill and remember a deeper more meaningful connection to Sorrel. May 2020 to be exact, when the call of Sorrel instigated the creation of a vibrational essence holding its magical energy for myself and my clients to harness as we meander through our journey of inner alchemy.

Vibrational Essences hold the wisdom that gifts us insights into ourselves and a deeper understanding of where our patterns of imbalance come from. It takes time to figure these “signatures” out and although I sit silently listening to what rises to the surface while connecting with the plant, it takes months and sometimes even years for the essences fuller application to be known. Not to mention the input from those who use the essence to help bring a more rounded understanding of its properties.

Sorrel was on the slow burner and has only just recently found itself included in the Inner Alchemy Flower Vibrational Essences Directory ( if you want a copy just give me a shout)

Revisiting this essence I note that it supports us during those somewhat scary and uncertain times when we need to let go of things that no longer serve us. When we are dealing with toxic situations Sorrel offers a layer of protection while detangling the toxic connections that may remain with us out wittingly. When we need an emotional clean up Sorrel not only helps us weed out the wheat from the chafe but highlights the old toxic energies that we have absorbed that hide in the shadows taking up vital space in our energy system.

I don’t think I can think of many people who could not benefit from that support during these current times where there is so much toxicity being unearthed and coming to light as well as being created by those around us who are getting stuck in this toxic space.


I am revisiting my journey with Sorrel, rolling up my sleeves and diving in to the see where toxicity lives in me and where I can take steps to move that energy out of my system and fill up with more positive energy and intentions.


Could Common Sorrel assist you in understanding toxic energy how it plays out around you and how you do not need to remain a partner in its dance?



If you wish to try this essence for yourself you can find it here on my website … Common Sorrel - Starlight Sally (


You can also find out about other essences that may be helpful to support you here: Inner Alchemy Essences Elixirs - Starlight Sally (







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