There is such a strange vibe going on right now and people are tired … tired of living in a world that constantly plucks at the heart strings with its plectrum of fear and uncertainty , they are literally exhausted trying to wade through the murky maze of dishonesty and lies. Weary to the bone trying to keep abreast of their reality within an ever-increasing web of skullduggery. So much of this murkiness is coming to the fore and we can no longer ignore the facts - that life and society as we had been aware of it , that we has been spoon fed to us since we were old enough to look around at the world around us - is not even a teensy tiny bit like we had been told, or even remotely resembles what we thought it was.
In fact, the fabric of our reality is built upon untruths, smoke and mirrors. Things seem dark ... they are, and our views are being blocked and that includes physical blocking - although that is another story for another day ... Suffice to know that Nothing is as it seems. Now I know that can feel painful and I know that it can make us feel like we are literally swimming against the tide, and at some point, will have to let go and allow the flow to carry us. This can be the case but… it is not necessarily always the case.
There are times when we need to stand up and be accountable and to put our foot down when enough is enough.
Our rights are erroneously being ground away under the pretence of smoothing the edges and making life more amenable… Amenable to who? Our ranks are infiltrated by fraudsters and fakes that we are not supposed to see through…. and yet the deceit is exhibited in full view right in front of our noses. A glaring mocking poke at what is going on, followed by a condescending tone should we dare to call out the hypocrisy of it all.
There is a cry rising in us , a battle cry and unlike we have been previously taught, it is not directed at some billboard poster enemy, who’s flavour changes as often as we change our socks ~ it is aimed at the unseen “machine” that is copiously spewing this distortion at us.
A common thread in weaving from the garish tapestry fed to us and tentatively daring to weave a new one more aligned to humanity. More aligned with.
I was spurred to write this after a photo memory from 12 years ago popped up on my phone today… reminding us it is time to awake, to open our eyes and to stand accountable for our lives. Ironic really as these things are set up to manipulate our reality further … yet as we become more and more aware , we can no longer shut down the inner compass that detects this bullshit at a thousand paces.
We need to stop being victims, we need to stand up for what we need to function as normal healthy human beings - this has nothing to do with “fighting” for higher wages, better living conditions or in fact for anything materialistic.
It’s about taking responsibility and being accountable to ourselves.Its about taking back our rights to say no when it is needed and not to follow complicitly and compliantly without questioning the narrative. What you accept persists … and at this pivotal time if we allow others , or ourselves for that matter, to perpetuate disrespect and harshness we will see more of this paid back to us via the fabric of the universe! The truth is that your life is your personal responsibilty and there are always ways to make positive changes no matter what.
I know this only too well as I’ve often attracted much harshness into my life, due to the ferocity of my inner critic. I’m learning to soften those edges and as a result the world around me is softening its edges too , we clash less allowing more fluidity and ease. Inner peace is much more accesible. When in doubt I check in with myself and in the words of a wise friend ask " What would love do?"
That is partly why I love working with vibrational essences - not only do they help us through bumpy times , but they also offer insights into where imbalances of perspective lies. It may not seem like a “biggie” but if you don’t know where the roots that trigger your less favourable responses then you can’t begin to make informed choices to lesson those triggers.
Would you persistently keep putting your finger in a candle flame just to see what the pain felt like?
Would you repeatedly invoke hurt inflicting behaviours just because it’s what you’ve always done?
These things are knee jerk habits... it’s “not my fault” …. You are asked to remember that you are NOT a victim of your circumstances and you DO have a choice, and Vibrational essences are a gentle way of pointing out what is disjointed, unhelpful, or downright harmful in terms of your own “stuff”.
Change comes with awareness … It is time to break the cycle, to become empowered and decent human beings - society , family patterns , inherited traits - NONE of them are an excuse , of course unless YOU let them be. In which case you’re welcome to stay on the self-fulfilling prophesy merry go round.
However, if there is that little part of you that whispers … but what if things were different?… Then this perhaps is the confirmation that you need to take the first steps in breaking those chains, in bringing a more comfortable reality into your being. You are not alone and there are so many people that have already taken steps on that journey that are ready, able and willing to help you find YOUR way to make those changes.
When you do this inner work, you create positive ripples that radiate out to the universe and invite this more of this state of positivity, or inquisitiveness to be magnetised towards you. Its a learning curve and takes time, practice and patience but it is truly worth its weight in gold! When you shift from feeling downtrodden and that things are hopeless it will surprise you just how much your life changes.
Each tiny shift you make allows those around you to no longer be held in that binding loop that has perpetuated the cycle. So not only do you lift the weight of your own shoulders you life the weight for everyone that you are connected to. Relationships become more balanced and personal boundaries are stronger, enabling more space for you to BE how you need to BE as well as who you wish to be.
If you want to know more on how vibrational essences can assist you in dialoging with your outdated patterns and wounds then drop me a message via
Eileen Burns 19 Trong
Great Blog Sally with great reminders, and love essences are one of the many things that nature provides to support us