Breaking the Anxiety cycle

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A step by step guide to take back control and live a calmer life

Life is hard

Between taking care of your family, going to work, keeping up with your social life, and caring for aging parents, it can be difficult to make time for yourself. Then one day, you experience a panic attack that leaves you feeling scared and helpless. It’s easy to feel like you’re trapped in a never-ending cycle of anxiety. But don’t worry–there are ways to break this cycle and regain control over your emotions. Read on for a step-by-step guide on how to begin your journey towards freedom from anxiety.


Step 1: Identify Your Triggers  

The first step in breaking the anxiety cycle is to identify what triggers your panic attacks. This could be anything from stress at work or home to people or situations that make you uncomfortable. Once you have identified your triggers, you can start developing strategies on how to cope with them in healthy ways so that they don’t lead to another panic attack.


What triggers you

Developing practical coping strategies now, will allow you to delve deeper and understand what triggers your anxiety, and then, what to do when it does. 


Some examples of healthy coping strategies include deep breathing exercises, mindfulness activities such as yoga or meditation, journaling, talking about how you feel with friends or family members who are supportive and understanding, or even just taking a walk outside and enjoying nature.


When to seek professional help 

While some people may find it helpful to try out different coping strategies on their own before seeking professional help, others may need more assistance in managing their anxiety levels and learning effective coping mechanisms. A qualified therapist can provide invaluable guidance in helping you identify the root causes of your anxiety and develop healthier ways of dealing with them while also providing emotional support throughout the process. Additionally, certain medications may be prescribed if deemed necessary by a doctor or health care provider in order to help manage severe symptoms associated with anxiety disorders like panic attacks.


Don’t loose hope

Anxiety can be overwhelming but there is hope! Remember that breaking the anxiety cycle doesn’t happen overnight; it takes patience and dedication but it is possible! By following these steps—identifying triggers, developing healthy coping strategies, and seeking professional help if needed—you can take back control over your emotions and start living a calmer more fulfilling life free from fear and panic attacks.  


For more practical coping strategies, head to my blog

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