Hello 2024, 2023, your bullshit stops at the door!

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A little reminder to all the women that we don't need to make drastic changes in 2024 to feel worthy.

Hello 2024, 2023, your bullshit stops at the door!

Have you ever felt overlooked, undervalued, or ignored as a woman? If you asked a crowded room of women, almost EVERY hand would shoot into the air. Why is this?

Are we taught that it is acceptable to be ignored?

Are our institutions and systems set up to be overlooked?

Are we taught in society to believe that we have less value than men?

As I look towards my daughter sitting on the couch, every fiber in me begs me to say NO!

Unfortunately, this is the reality of our society.

During the 2016 US presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, he interrupted her six times more often than she interrupted him. While this was critiqued by some commentators, others mentioned ‘’if she couldn’t take the heat, then get out the kitchen.’’ The old adage that it is somehow acceptable and even applauded in todays’ society that women and (girls) being interrupted and ignored is a cause for celebration.

Let us also remember the laws around the world passed to ensure that women had equal rights and opportunities. It wasn’t grandfathered to us. It had to be written in ink and passed through legislation to ensure we were treated fairly. I want to share a personal example I experienced this previous year. While visiting my Mom in the hospital in Oklahoma, I looked around and found that 90% of the nurses on our floor were female. Shockingly, when asked to speak to a charge nurse all four for the unit were male. When I inquired further, I was told they usually promote from within the unit. How did 90% of the unit get overlooked?

During WWII, human-operated telephone and communication exchanges were almost exclusively done by females. The job required intense focus and a multitude of mathematical calculations. These exchanges were the precursor to the computer. At that time, the world of information technology was almost exclusively populated by women. Once the idea of a home computer caught on, significant producers started to recruit men. Nowadays, when you think of someone in IT, the mental picture is of a male. Many have even gone as far as to cry out that women don’t belong in computer science. In the middle of this mindfuck, women have been taught that we have less value. This mentality cannot be passed onto our daughters.

Our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, friends, and daughters DESERVE to be bold, proud, confident, loved, seen, heard, and valued.

This is my mission in life.
Leave every belittling thought from your childhood, your hardships throughout your adult life, and what society has tried to confine you to in 2023.

In 2024 I want to champion women who are:
Bolding chasing their dreams
Proudly owning their experiences, their passions, and their beauty
Confident as they strut down the street, in their bodies and with their financial decisions
Love every fiber of their being, themselves even on their worst day, and put themselves first
Seen bravely choosing to be entrepreneurs, mothers, and workers and live the best life for them
Heard on radio stations, podcasts, and social media
Valued in their everyday workplace, by their coworkers, their spouses, and their families

Join my mission at La Foret de Lumiere Holistic Experience 


2024 is for YOU.

You don’t need to lose 10 pounds, color your hair, read 40 books, or be a better Mother.

Embrace 2024, and leave all the shoulds, coulds, and woulds of 2023 at the door.

Together we will kick ass in 2024! 

Rachel Coudron

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Fiona Hague 1 y

Oh Rachel, yes we will kick ass. It is so ingrained it is invisible to many.