Why Your Womb Loves Warmth...

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Your womb loves warmth, it needs it. Here are my Warming Womby Top Tips...

Hey Beutyheart,
Just a womby reminder that you are a cyclical being, and it's okay to start your January 2024 from the slow, candlight warmth of where we are seasonally. Here in the northern hemisphere, we are in deep mid-winter. The storms and rains are raging and the cold is bracing.  Brrrr!
Your womb loves warmth, it needs it.
Warmth encourages the cirulatory aliveness that your pelvic organs, tissues, musculature require for optimal functioning.  Warmth aids digestion, which is incredibly important!  Slow and sluggish digestion can impact your entire well-being.  
Warmth supports hydration and lymphatic flow, which helps you to detoxify and replenish, nurturing your pelvic temple and strengthening your root as a place of integrity, adaptive flexibility, and creativity.
So it's okay to slow down Beloved, to embrace the warmth of your womby wisdom, and to nourish and nurture your womb, your cyclical nature, and who you are at essence as always whole, sacred and wildly alive.
Here are my Top Womb Warmth Tips for you. (Always check in accordance with your body and healthcare)
1: Try some warming womb oil and abdominal massage. I love and use ginger in my dedicated womb massage oil, it gives depth and revitalises.
2: Try warming, cleansing and blood building teas to support your circulation, such as Red raspberry leaf, turmeric, ginger.
3: Womb hopping! We are born as social animals, we are hard wired for community, connection and belonging. Back in the day when I was studying the connection between the body, mind and soul in 17th Century scientific, religious, political, educational and fictional writings. I came across Margaret Cavendish. It was a common belief at the time that 'The Wandering Womb' was the reason for all female maladies, ills, and depravity! Margaret, in one of her many genius ways, found a way to use this to her advantage. Women were not allowed to be or proclaim themselves as scientists, but because of the wandering womb, in her book: The Blazing World, she could womb hop to a friends womb, and discuss new science at length. She found a womby work around full of warmth, connection, conversation, unity, and friendship.  So find your womby community, send a smile from your womb to theire womb and vice versa! 
4: Work with the energetic imprint of your womb. Not all of us have our physical wombs in place for many reasons. It can be challenging to feel womb warmth when we feel a part of us missing. I encourage you to keep in conversation with the energy of your womb, that is a part of your blueprint that is infinte, and you deserve to keep that medicine alive and in love. Consider somatic work, connect with the physical imprint of your womb, and begin to bring the breath of life, notice what feels alive, what feels cold, and slowly bring your compassionate presence, bloom an inner-smile and begin to radiate the warmth of love, safety and belonging to this part of you.
5: If your warm womby wisdom could share a sacred message with you right here, right now, what would it be? Share with me in the comments, I would love to know!

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