Client Sales Objections - Through The Lens Of Human Design

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Understand how to master the art of objections when it comes to selling.

People’s investment choices always fascinate me.

As someone with a defined heart, I always find money for the things I desire to buy, experience, invest in – without exception.

I do not hold myself back or limit myself in any way.

I actually think making money is easy.

I was raised on the mantra of ‘where there is will there is a way’ and I FULLY believe that. (Thank you Dad!)

I have created a wonderful relationship with money now where it always shows up for me, so I never worry about the numbers in my bank account, nor do I worry when I have to pay a bill.

I know it is coming back, it always does.

But I have not always felt this way, my mindset about money, spending and receiving, is the result of a conscious decision to rise into my unique energy and surrender to the magic of what takes place when you do.

I used to count pennies, as well as pounds.

I used to lie awake at night adding up bills to pay in my head and stressing about how I would be paying them.

I used to avoid paying bills so I could hold onto that money in my bank account for as long as possible, afraid to release it.

I used to limit myself, deny my desires, and deny any investment in myself.

I used to buy all of the $27 PDF’s and eBooks that floated around in the online space, in the hope that they would somehow miraculously help me and would never dream to joining a higher paid training.

The first time I invested in myself it was a moment of absolute surrender.

I only had the money for the first $270 payment (The first of 36)

I did not know where the other payments would be coming from, but I said yes.

In short, of course I managed to pay every single month, the money just always worked out, but that was a HUGE turning point for me.

The catalyst of a whole new consciousness around money and the energy of money.

My open centre not self-talk created such a dire relationship with money, I would only buy myself clothes if they were from the sale rail in shops. I would walk into a shop and go straight to the sale rack and ignore all of the other clothes.

This not self-dialogue created a whole limiting story about investing in myself as an entrepreneur.

I looked at investing in myself the same way as I did buying my weekly food shop.

I looked at it as money going out.

A payment.

But investing in yourself is just that – an investment.

All of the money I have spent on coaching, training, programs, masterminds, (it’s quite an amount) I have made back, tenfold.

You get a return on an investment.

It’s a shift in consciousness, or a shift in your energy, either which, leads to a personal expansion, and change in the trajectory of your life.

Which is worth the investment. No?

If your client is not investing in you, they are likely leading with their not-self mind and looking at the spend as a purchase and not an investment.

There are some common themes I have seen when selling my own coaching, that are rooted in the not-self mind of the open centres, below are some of the things you might here….

1. Head (Crown) Centre

"I appreciate the offer, but right now I'm swamped with too many ideas and projects. I need to clear my plate before taking on anything new."

Translation – I am in mental overwhelm and I can’t even decide what to have to breakfast right now, let alone invest in you!

2. Ajna Centre

"I'm currently weighing all my options and haven't reached a decision yet. I can’t decide if this will be helpful for me or get me to where I want to be."

Translation – I need to see 111 at least twenty time, have a white feather drop into my lap, and have God himself send me a letter CONFIRMING this is the right choice, before I say yes, because until them I am so confused and don’t know what to do’.

3. Throat Centre

"I'm really struggling to articulate my goals and how your services fit into them. I think I need a bit more time to figure out exactly what I'm looking for."

Translation – I actually don’t even know what I want from life.

4. G (Identity) Centre

"I'm currently in a phase of re-evaluating my direction and priorities. Until I have a clearer sense of where I'm headed, I'm holding off on any new investments."

Translation – I am addicted to feeling like I have no purpose, it’s a known identity for me, ‘lost person’ and if you find a purpose for me then what!? So I’m fine just carrying on signing up for free ‘find my purpose’ workshops from Facebook.

5. Heart (Ego/Will) Centre

"Right now, I'm reassessing my budget and priorities. I need to be absolutely sure that this investment will provide a return for me, and I just don’t if it will."

Translation – I do not see my own worth, so therefore I do not see your worth, and therefore your service feels worthless.

6. Solar Plexus (Emotional) Centre

"Right now I'm dealing with a lot emotionally. I need to wait until I'm in a more stable place to make such an important decision."

Translation – I am an emotional hot mess.

7. Sacral Centre

"I've been thinking it over, and I'm just not ready to commit to something this big yet. I need to be sure it's the right fit for my energy and work style."

Translation – This seems like a lot of effort and I’m knackered.

8. Spleen Centre

"The fear of making the wrong decision is holding me back. I need more time to listen to my intuition and make sure this is the right path for me."

Translation – I am so disconnected from my intuition that I am TERRIFIED to make any decisions, so il; ne over here hiding.

9. Root Centre

"With all the plates I am juggling, I can't justify a new investment because I think it will be a waste as I won’t be able to commit to it. I need to get through this busy period before considering anything else..

Translation – I have created a to do list with a load of fake things to do in an unconscious effort to activate some adrenaline to get motivated, but now that list is freaking me out and I am feeling so much pressure to get through the list, instead I am going to just forget you, the list and watch Netflix.

Which ones can you relate to personally?

I was all about the fear, confusion, and overwhelm until I wasn’t.

Now I am all about activating the middas touch and exchanging my energy as I was designed to do so.

Tons of love

Leanne x


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