Why networking isn't working for you...

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What should you do and not do when networking?

Everyone's heard the term NETWORKING right? But do you know what it really means? Or are you just "networking" because someone told you you should? 

Here are three things I see at MIB networking events that you need to avoid if you want to grow your business: 

  1. Sitting on your own in a corner, not talking to anyone. Yep I get it. Networking is nervewracking sometimes but if you're going to a networking event and sitting alone and not talking to anyone, you're flat out wasting your time and money. In order to make connections, build relationships and grow your business you have to get out of your own head and just get out there and TALK to people! You never know where that conversation could lead. The possibilities are endless! 
  2. Talking only about your products and using words like "amazing", "incredible" and "life-changing". Those words are so overdone and just because a stranger tells you something is amazing, it doesn't mean it is to me. When a friend who I know, like and trust tells me something is amazing, you can bet your bottom dollar I'm listening. It's all about the relationship. Not the product! 
  3. Going to a networking event, making connections and then not following up. How many times have you been to a networking event, talked to some interesting people and then never spoken to them again? You need to nurture the connections you make and grow relationships from those connections. Send them a friend request, send a message telling them that you enjoyed connecting, comment on their content, follow up on collaboration ideas or opportunities and most of all, continue networking with them online in your local MIB group and remain visible! There's no point making connections if you're not going to continue to build a relationship. 

I hosted a networking event for 37 women in business in the Moreton Bay area of Brisbane, Australia yesterday. It was electric! There's something really magickal about bringing a group of women together in a room. What's even more magickal is seeing relationships grow from those connections. 

What I love the most about what I do as a leader with Mums in Business International is witnessing the friendships that are formed in our groups and at our live events. There is nothing better than seeing women who have chatted online, meet face to face and hug. It really gives me the warm and fuzzies. 

The other thing I absolutely love is seeing women exchange products at events because of a relationship that they have built over time online and offline. We don't focus on sales at our events because for me, it's about the relationship not the product or service. Once the relationship is formed and nurtured, the sales follow as a natural progression. That's where the magick happens. 

So, if you're one of those people who thinks that going to a networking event once is the key to all of the sales flooding in then I'm sorry to tell you, you're missing the key. 

When you focus on building relationships, showing up consistently online and offline, offering value and making consistent offers, that's when you'll see the real magick of networking. 

It's a long game. Keep going...

If you're in the Brisbane area and you want to up your networking game, come and join us over at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mumsinbusinessmoretonbay

If you've read this blog and you want to connect with me further for more truth bombs in beauty and business, you can find me at https://www.facebook.com/lou.feltham.smith, https://www.facebook.com/loufelthamsmithofficial, https://www.facebook.com/groups/selfloveloungeformums and https://www.instagram.com/loufelthamsmithofficial/


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