What motivated you to start, or motivates you to think about starting your business? What is the deep true reason behind it? Your Why?
I think, that for most of us, as Mums, there is usually some element of wanting more for our children, our families... wanting to give them something that we had, or didn't have as children ourselves... wanting to give them opportunities and experiences above and beyond those which we have been able to give them up to this point?
This photograph was taken on holiday last year - This particular holiday reminded me of holidays that I had as a child, the kind of holidays that I would like to treat my children to more often. Seeing them enjoying the beach, the Greek food, the new experiences (and choosing the elements that they did not like), was the drive I needed to achieve more, be more, succeed more, to be able to give them more.
My big reason why is to travel the world with my children. To see as much as I can see of the world in the limited time that we have to spend here, and to take my family with me. To enjoy the wonders (and mainly the food) that can be found across the globe.
I want them to see me try, fail, get up again, succeed, fail again, keep trying, but overall to provide more for them than I could if I did not have my business.
But I also want other Mums in my position to be able to do the same. To rise up together and show the world that Mums are a force to be reckoned with. To inspire each other as we succeed.
So, what was/is your reason for starting your business?
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