Is Summer-Holiday mum-guilt threatening to spoil your summer holidays? | #mumguilt #creativity #summer holidays #children
Is Summer-Holiday mum-guilt threatening to spoil your summer holidays? | #mumguilt #creativity #summer holidays #children
There’s Networking and then there’s MIB networking… | #networking #mumsinbusiness
Conversations with an ‘anti-networker’ | #mums in business #networking #mib leader #sales
Good morning!! My latest blog about networking before you start growing your own business has been very popular! Thanks ZZatem! Have YOU read it yet?!
You don’t need to have your own business to benefit from networking! | #networking #women in business #inspiration #mumsinbusiness #mibleader #network #connection
Hello! I’m Rachael, wife and mummy to two beautiful littles! Back in 2019, shortly after the birth of my first son I moved with my family to the stunning and remote mountains of Gran Canaria to start a new and more simple life in the countryside!
Moving to a new country, raising two children, learning to farm and becoming self sufficient has not been particularly ‘simple’ but it is exciting! Every day is an adventure and we’re all learning together how to navigate our new world!
We now run a unique bed and breakfast, hosting guests from around the world in our mountain home.
In my spare time, when I have any, I love to sew, cook, and I’m also the area leader for MIB Int here on the island! Life’s busy but I wouldn’t have it any other way!!