Why your WHY is important

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If we do not have a valid reason to do anything in life we probably wouldn't do it.
Today I am going to help you establish your WHY and why you want to lose weight.

The sad news is:-

There is no quick fix, I do not have a magic wand that I can wave over you and the weight will be gone.

Making the decision to lose weight, change your lifestyle, and become healthier is a huge step. If you go into a diet without having a reason WHY then I am afraid you will not be successful.

Writing down the reasons WHY you want to lose weight will really help.

It might be because you have a family history of heart disease, or because you want to see your kids get married, or because you want to feel better in your clothes.

Now ask yourself WHY do you want to lose weight?

To successfully lose weight and keep it off, it is essential to begin to understand that it is not so much about what you eat as it is about WHY you eat. When you understand your WHY and how you eat you can begin to change your eating habits and your relationship with food, forever .

WHY do you want to lose weight?

Here are some common reasons WHY people want to lose weight.

You can add your own to the list as well.

Check off the list by marking how important it is to you. (1 being not important to 10 being very important).

⭐ I will look better

⭐ I will feel healthier

⭐ I will be more attractive to others

⭐ I will be able to wear anything I like

⭐ I will like what I see when I look in the mirror

⭐ I won’t feel so self-conscience

⭐ I will be able to exercise without feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable

⭐ I will live longer

⭐ I will have more energy

⭐ I will be more physically fit

⭐ I will enjoy sexual intimacy more

⭐ I will like myself more

⭐ I will feel more in control of my life

⭐ I will have more confidence

⭐ I won't be so hard on myself and so critical of myself

⭐ I will be more outgoing

⭐ I won't be judged on what I am eating

⭐ I won’t have anyone annoying me about my weight

⭐ I will be more sociable

⭐ I will feel comfortable when eating in front of others

⭐ I won't be thinking about food all the time

⭐ I won’t struggle with what I should eat

⭐ I will be able to shop in any clothes shop I like

⭐ I will be able to create great memories with my friends and family

⭐ I will be able to be in the picture instead of taking the picture

⭐ I will be able to join in activities instead of sitting on the sideline

⭐ I will smile more


Take the score of 10’s, these are the crucial part of your WHY.


Identify the 3 highest scores and now we will drill down to explore even further.

Keep answering the question to probe until you feel the real emotion comes through.

For example:-

⭐I will be able to create great memories with my friends and family.

Why is this important to me?

Because I usually hide from the camera, or I am not smiling in family photos.

⭐ I sit on the sidelines too embarrassed to join in.

But why?

Because I am embarrassed about being seen with them as I feel everyone is looking at me, and I am ashamed that it is my weight that is stopping me joining in.

What would it mean to me?

It would mean the world to me to be able to join in and have fun with them.

To have the family like me coming along and for my kids not to have to miss out on trips I cannot go to. My weight prevents me from going on the rides at theme parks.

How would that make me feel?

I would feel happy inside and my family would not be embarrassed by my size, and we could all have fun together.


Can you see that only by being open and honest with yourself is when you start to feel that raw emotion and reveal the true reason WHY you want to lose weight.

Now you have explored your WHY you need to act on it.


Everyone’s WHY is different and will mean different things to each individual.

Never ever compare yourself to anyone else, your weight loss journey is yours and yours alone.

Now you have established your WHY you are in a far better place to be successful on your weight loss journey as you now have a clear picture of WHY you want to lose weight.

I hope this exercise has helped you, and I am sure your WHY is clearer to you

Warmest Wishes


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