Transform Your Life with a 30-Day Self-Perception Makeover

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Forget all of the "self-help" books that promise you the world. You have it all already inside of you. You were born with it. The secrets to transforming your life with a 30-day self-perception makeover. Manifest your dreams and live the life you desire.

Transform Your Life with a 30-Day Self-Perception Makeover

After some inspired work (that I am giving you the secrets to in this book), my life did a complete 180-degree spin. I realized that I was creating my life. I had control over it. I trusted my intuition and had "perfect" relationships come into my life. I took inspired action and money began flowing in. Where I desired to live became my reality. And that is only the tip of the iceberg; the people that were closest to me began to see shifts in their lives. My high energy vibe was influencing their lives too!

Now I want to help you make that same 180 turn. Allow your life to work in your favor. I promise you if you are consistent, you will see results.

I'm now living where I have always desired to live, I have an amazing husband, four beautiful children, and three beautiful grandchildren. My passions have come together into successful businesses that I loved throughout my life and some that I knew it was time to let go of. I figured out how to create the life of my dreams. I took everything I learned during this period and put it into practice with my signature self-perception makeover, and I am so excited to give this to you so you can start practicing this in your life and start creating and living the life of your dreams.

Once you begin to work on your self-perception, YOUR life will shift in your favor. Why? How? Because having a great self-perception is the basis of the energy you radiate out. It affects what energy frequency vibration you are on, therefore attracting the same frequencies into your life. So, you should desire to be on a high vibration as much as you can be. And I will show you how.

This Book Will Teach You Tips and Tricks to Retrain YOUR Subconscious Mind

This book will teach you tips and tricks to retrain YOUR subconscious mind so you will learn to love yourself no matter what. This will result in YOU living the LIFE YOU DESIRE.

Key Components to Keep in Mind During Your 30-Day Self-Perception Makeover

Get a Journal

It's best to use a lined journal so you are easily able to reference back to the inspired action you have taken in the preceding days.

What is Manifesting?

I like to think of manifesting as another word for creating. You are creating, manifesting your life every single day, every hour, every minute, every second. How you are thinking, feeling, and visualizing is affecting what you are attracting into your life. This has nothing to do with religion; this is all about the universe and energy. This entire universe is made up of energy. Everything IS energy: you, the plants, money, etc.

Take some time that you truly deserve and allow the 30-day Self Perception Makeover to Change Your Life. 

See you there, Cathlene

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