The MIB International Journey: Growing a Business as a Mum of Six

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Hey there, fabulous people! Welcome to the chronicles of MIB International, where the "MIB" stands for "Mum in Business" (but I like to think it also stands for "Mums in Black," because honestly, we have to be superheroes to manage everything, right?).

The MIB International Journey: Growing a Business as a Mum of Six

Hey there, fabulous people! Welcome to the chronicles of MIB International, where the "MIB" stands for "Mum in Business" (but I like to think it also stands for "Mums in Black," because honestly, we have to be superheroes to manage everything, right?).

 The Origin Story
Imagine this: you're knee-deep in diapers, footballpractices, school projects, and PTA meetings, when suddenly, an idea strikes you like a rogue LEGO piece to the foot at 3 a.m. "Why not start a business?" you think. Yes, I know, the timing seems impeccable. But trust me, when you’re a mum of six, the only way to stay sane is to be slightly bonkers.

So, with a heart full of dreams and a mind buzzing with caffeine, MIB International was born. From the chaotic kitchen table to a slightly more organized home office (which is just the dining room but with more sticky notes), this business grew. And along the way, I've learned a few things that I'd love to share with you.

Finding Balance: The Ultimate Juggling Act
Growing a business with six kids is like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. Okay, maybe it's not that dramatic, but it’s close. Here’s how I manage:

1. Embrace the Chaos: Your kids will interrupt Zoom meetings. A lot. Turn these moments into opportunities for authenticity. Clients and colleagues love seeing the real you, and who can resist a cameo from an adorable toddler?

2. Time Management is Key: Invest in a good planner or digital calendar. Schedule everything, from business meetings to grocery runs. And don’t forget “me time” – even if it's just a 5-minute coffee break hiding in the pantry.

3. Delegate and Outsource:Supermums know when to ask for help. Whether it’s hiring a virtual assistant or getting the kids involved in simple tasks, delegation is a lifesaver. Plus, kids can learn valuable skills and feel part of the business.

The Heart of the Business: Passion and Purpose
Why did I start MIB International? To prove that mums can do anything, and to create something that brings joy and value to others. Whether it’s crafting unique products, offering stellar services, or just making people’s lives a little easier, find what lights you up and go for it.

Here's the secret sauce: Do what makes you feel good. This isn't just about business; it's about life. When you're passionate about what you do, it doesn’t feel like work. For me, seeing my business grow is as thrilling as watching my kids hit their milestones (well, almost).

Tips for Aspiring MIBs (Mums in Business)

1. Start Small: You don’t need a massive budget or a fancy office. Start with what you have and grow from there. My first “office” was a corner of the living room shared with a mountain of toys.

2. Network: Connect with other mums and entrepreneurs. Join local business groups, attend workshops, and be active on social media. You’ll find support, ideas, and maybe even some lifelong friends.

3. Self-Care is Not Optional: You can’t pour from an empty cup. Make time for yourself, whether it’s a hot bath, a hobby, or simply a quiet walk. A happy, healthy mum makes for a thriving business.

4. Keep Learning: The business world is always evolving. Take online courses, read industry blogs, and never stop learning. Knowledge is power, and it’s also pretty fun.

 The Final Thought: You’ve Got This!
Starting and growing a business as a mum of six is challenging, yes, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Every day brings new adventures, lessons, and a sense of accomplishment. Remember, you’re not just building a business; you’re setting an example for your children and proving that with passion, perseverance, and a bit of humor, anything is possible.

So, to all the mums (and dads) out there juggling family and business: keep going, keep smiling, and most importantly, keep doing what makes you feel good. MIB International is living proof that you can turn the chaos of parenthood into a thriving enterprise. Now, if you'll excuse me, I’ve got a meeting to attend – and a superhero cape to don.

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