Weekly Astro Oracle Reading: Live aligned by your design

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For the soulful woman who wants to find and live her own path, do things her way, tired of following someone else blueprint this is for you. Follow for more weekly content where we rebel visionaries who have been suppressed, now rise living life by our soul design.

Pick your sun sign (star sign) and read your message for the week


Your weekly Astro Oracle Reading for Fire sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

This week you are being guided to keep your eyes focused on what you are doing, basically stay in your lane. Your a firey one! 


Yes i know, you are full of energy, ready to inspire, be seen and be first. You may feel as though others are excelling faster than you and you need to do more but that's not your business. It's your job to stay focused on you and blaze you light in your unique way.


On the other hand this can be played out as people watching you, your creativity, your passion your drive and wanting to be like you. Again don't sway your focus stay in your lane and keep doing you.




Your weekly Astro Oracle Reading for Earth sign: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Your message for this week is to rejoice in your celebrations! Get them drums out, start beat them for everything you achieve. You are dedicated, persistent and stubborn AF but it will bring you to your desired outcome.


Remember, once you make up your mind that's it, your loyal to it - so always use that same energy for results.


Remember though, put your wellbeing, your worth and your reputation first at all times - you know this is your non negotiable!




Your weekly Astro Oracle Reading for Air sign: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

This weeks message for you is power! You know you air sign women have a strong mental power don't you? From analytical to logics. You also have the natural power to communicate, make connections and use your intuitive visionary assess.


Like hello... You know how to been seen for your intelligence and beauty that you hold within your knowledge. 


Know that all you need is within, just make sure you utilise it - this is where you shine, your magic, your brilliance it's all you!




Your weekly Astro Oracle Reading for Water sign: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Ooooh child, your weekly message is love begins! You have finally realised that love begins from within. It's time to feel your own feelings and connect to them.


Time to nurture and protect, go deep within and reflect, and be sensitive and empathetic to your needs because you matter - you really do.


As much as you love to mother and care for others and bring one love and unity remember you can't pour from an empty vessel.


Take what you feel like, hope it resonates, show some love in the comments 



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