Self Love Saved My Life

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I know, I know, the title sounds dramatic, but it's true and I wanted to share a little of my journey to help you understand why I am so passionate about what I do.

The start of my journey

I've faced numerous challenges throughout my life, from childhood into adulthood, each leaving its mark. I pushed those feelings down or drowned them in drink, never really dealing with what life threw my way. I thought I was coping, but in reality, I was stuck in survival mode without realising it.

That all changed a few months after my divorce and a period of homelessness. Depression and anxiety hit me like a steam train. It was a dark and scary time, and I’m not ashamed to admit there were moments when I didn’t want to be here anymore.

I went to the doctor and was prescribed antidepressants. Something I was relucant to take at first, but something I most definitely needed at that time. I was also placed on a long waiting list for counselling. During one of my darker episodes, I was fast-tracked to see someone. I had six sessions, which helped, but there was still work to do. After counselling, I started working with a holistic coach who introduced me to the concept of self-love.

When things started to turn around

In our first session, I was asked what I enjoyed doing for myself. I honestly couldn’t answer. I had become a people pleaser, always putting others' needs before my own. This revelation was eye-opening.

I began doing inner work, addressing my challenges one by one while ensuring my self-love cup was filled. Within a few weeks, I felt like a new person. This experience ignited a spark in me to give back and support others. I realised I didn’t want other women to reach the same crisis point I did, due to a lack of self-love. And so, Mind Over Mama was born. A play on words and a reminder that we are more than "just" mums. Our minds, mental wellbeing and needs are important.

This journey of self-love, and it is a journey as it is a continual process, has taught me so much. I can honestly say it saved my life. I now tackle challenges head-on, I am in tune with myself, and I love myself wholly and completely. This benefits everyone around me, as they get the best of me. I have also stopped drinking alcohol and that has not only given me greater clarity, better health and skin, but also opened up the doors spiritually for me too. I definitely see it as a total act of self-love, as it's really transformed things for me. I would have never gotten attuned to Rose Reiki if I was drinking and that would have been a shame, for myself and for everyone who has experienced sessions with me. 

Some takeaways

If I can leave you with anything, it would be to reconnect with who you are at the core. Ask yourself what makes you tick? What do you love doing that lights you up? Do you need to make some changes and stop doing certain things? Are you maybe giving too much of yourself away? It's easy to do, especially as busy mamas. But if you don’t start making changes, burnout, anxiety, or worse could creep in.

I want to remind you that you are worthy of all the love in the world, including from yourself. Never feel like you have to do things alone. If you are struggling, please reach out for support.

Ongoing Support

And speaking of support, if you need a helping hand on this journey, please feel free to join my new Facebook group, Self-Love, Giggles, and Spiritual Shizzle. It’s a supportive community where we can all support each other on our journeys. You don’t have to be spiritual to join, but for me, self-love and spirituality go hand in hand. Join us by clicking here

I’m also hosting a day retreat on 20th July in Loughborough, Leicestershire. You will be treated to full day where you can fill your cup with yin yoga, rose reiki, a journalling workshop and more.  You can find out more about it by clicking here.

Thank you for reading. I hope to connect with more of you soon.

Big Loves,


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