Weekly Astro Oracle Reading: Healing in the deep

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Your weekly Astro Oracle Reading 3rd-9th June. This week's theme is related to healing. As per take what resonates and left what doesn't apply. If your sun doesn't resonate maybe you need to take a look at your sun, moon and rising sign which is your big 3 and the core of your foundational self - EVERYONE needs to know this!! Find your sun sign...


Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio - water sign - You are your purpose:


You are being guided you are your purpose. Stop doubting or questioning what you are naturally good at.


You know how to intuitively just tap in, your emotional connection to others feelings, the way how you go to the core of a problem to transmute it into light. The way you naturally nurture others with your mothering embrace.


You were destined to do this. And as you heal parts of you the more you level up and bring you empathetic nature into your purpose.


Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - Air sign - It's time to move forward:


Now is the time to move forward. I know what your like when you get stuck in your own head, you over analyse, pick and pull your thoughts apart, questions upon questions.


Done! Time to move on now on. You can't change what has happened but you can use that active mind to see the future you want and bring it into the present to logically map out how you can move your life forward, create your beautiful ending that allows you to be as free as you like.


Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - earth sign - Happiness is the freedom from fear:


Stop pretending like it's ok because you and i know it's not. You are so used to putting on a brave face, hiding them emotions. Your are stuck in your own head worrying, trying to plan goals so you can have that level of control, being down right stubborn and with a fix mindset aka (tunnel vision) you ain't moving.


What you need to realise your happiness, will come when you release the fear - it's a false reality appearing real. It's you a thing.


Try talking it out with someone you trust as i know you have to TRUST deeply before you open up, you will realise there is actually another way. Your not perfect and you have nothing to prove, so relax, connect to mother earth and let it go.


Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - fire sign - you have the ability to affect your destiny:


When you are operating from a low vibrational state you are restless. Your own is fire consuming yourself. Angery, being led by ego, bringing drama, judgemental and closed mind.


Instead, realise that you are a go getter, you are a warm hearted inspirational being that shines when she puts herself out there, know that you were never made to be contained but to be free so use the power within to shake up the reality you desire deep down.


The powers in your hand and no one ain't gonna save you or do it for you.



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Spiritual Guide, Mentor and Facilitator - Kelisha

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