Stepping into Your Power a.k.a Getting My Woo-Woo Ducks In A Row

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The ins and outs of mustering the courage to step into my power

My previous blog mentioned the ass-kicking I received from the universe to put me on my path. In this blog, I will go into the nitty gritty and divulge how I mustered the courage to step into my power (it’s an ongoing challenge). 


For me, authentically stepping into my power has been the scariest thing I have ever done in my life. It meant I had to own ALL the parts of my experience on Earth so far. (Even those parts I had buried under the nearest rug). You see, it is much easier to run from your problems than to face them head-on. But in all things, I had to do things the Rachel Way. 


This meant giving myself five minutes to deal with my intense emotional state and then get on with it. I had irrevocably decided that a holistic experience involving 100 attendees was in my future. (I couldn’t back down now.) Now, the weighty question had to be answered, ‘’How do you go from doing business as a side hustle to making your business your life’s work?  


The answer was surprisingly easy. Mindset. I needed to change my ENTIRE mindset around business. This started with knowing EXACTLY why I was willing to uproot my comfort zone. This answer was simple. IMPACT. HOPE. GENERATIONAL CHANGE. I knew intimately what it was like to live without hope. I couldn’t live another day knowing that I had a story and experiences that could TRANSFORM another’s life and continue to peddle along with an on-again-off-again commitment. Now I tell you, I tried to weasel myself out of the commitment, but the universe has repeatedly told me, “It MUST be YOU.” Over the last several weeks, I have ingrained that mantra into the fabric of my soul. Every time Doubting Debbie or Imposter Irene tries to make a grand gesture, my internal soul soldiers rise up to remind me of my true nature and purpose. That purpose flows through every cell in my body. It empowers me to get out of bed every morning and pour myself into the creation of La Foret de Lumiere Holistic Experience. 


Some may tell you it’s EASY for Rachel because she’s a trained teacher. She has spoken in front of hundreds of people, led trainings, and run multiple other businesses. While this is technically correct, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Bearing the darkest times in my life and turning them into my message makes my stomach flop every time I share. I am never more vulnerable than when I connect with others on a soul level. 


In the end, the force that threw me to the other side was my daughter. I grew up in a generation where I was actively told to hide my emotions and never let them get the better of me. This mentality landed me in a state of depression. I refuse to allow my daughter to view having emotions as a weakness. She gives me the courage to tell my story daily so others hear that same message. Looking back on my life, she’ll know that her Momma turned her pain into purpose and left a legacy of impact. 


Do you find yourself terrified to take the first step in following your dreams? Do you find that you talk yourself out of your dreams before they start? Do you work your ass off to be noticed and seen, but when offered incredible opportunities, you take a step back and not forward? Yes, to them all? Me too! I know these all too well. My question is, “What is trapping you in your comfort zone?” “What stories are running rampant in your head?” “What are you afraid of?” 


We all have fears. (Mine loves to pop its head up often.) When Debbie and Irene appear, I remind myself that my purpose is larger than my fear. I dissect my thoughts around my fear and then intentionally construct a counter-argument. It’s an ongoing battle, but finally, the mind monkeys appear less often. This can happen to you, too, if you are willing to go to war for yourself! 


As dramatic as it sounds, it truly is war. Your mind doesn’t easily lend itself to a change in programming. You have to have grit. You have to be stubborn. You must lay down a deep line in the sand and will yourself daily to maintain it. Your fire in your belly must be more than your fear of striking out. 


It’s a battle, and you are worth it. Every fiber in your body is called to attention to follow your purpose when called. Move out of your own way and embrace the life that is meant for you. 


Live your life with your heart open!





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Jackie McGloughlin 1 y

Wow! Very inspiring Rachel!