And there it was, my life changing forever.

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Early days of breast cancer diagnosis... Throwback to my earlier blogs, setting the scene for "what Rachel did next"... which was stay to help other women through the to find the calm in the storm.

Dearest Gentle Reader..

I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, and for those of you that aren't Bridgerton fans- a second apology is due.


Let's move on.

Hello my love!

( yep much more me)

As I lean back into my love of writing, looking over my garden, in June 2024, having recovered, in fact thrived through my breast cancer diagnosis, with life having taken my twists and turns over the years- I wanted to cast a glance back with you at the start of a new era with a new website and blog that more greatly reflect my work, the support I offer, but also where in a world of 3-7 second reels and posts limiting letters, this is where I can share in more depth, something that for those prepared to slow down long enough to read with a cacoa or a cuppa, can find support, connection, and maybe a few laughs along the way.

I write with a soon to be 11 year old boy, who's life at the tender age of 5, when I was 45 receiving my diagnosis, was my sole obsession to keep life as calm and as consistent as possible.

Writing my blog then graduated to social media and an instagram account @essentiallyracheluk where I shared every step of my treatment, how I negated side effects, my jaunts to spain during chemo to run retreats and subsequent numerous surgeries...

ahead of more updated posts, of support, views, and guidance through a breast cancer journey, I wanted to offer a short glimpse back into those early days and first,

Let'd dive in..

2018 ...

and there it was, my life changing forever.

Thanks for joining me and welcome to my blog.

This may not be for you and that’s ok , because it’s here for me too.

I’ve been day dreaming of writing this blog for ooh about 18 months… picturing the content the topics, the chit chat….

..feeling the fear, hearing the voice inside that asked me

“who would want to know what you have to say?”

and my inner rock chick flicking the V’s and telling the voice to sit down and shut up because I knew deep down there was someone who might.

Then something changed, something big and as the dust settled , I realised the writing was still inside me but it wasn’t a topic I had planned or dreamed of. 

Those will still come, but now I had a story and conversations in my head that my broken heart needed me to tell.

Needed out of my head.

I have no idea how this story goes but I do know I will steer the writing of it, come what may.

On the 15th November 2018 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

#lifewithatwistofcancer was born


image of rachel and H


Present Day: June 2024

It feels important to share the early days, ahead of the guidance, insight and the ebooks or life laundry recipes that follow- the next blog brings an insight into my life before cancer...

Time travel has become something I am quite gifted at, and in many ways is how I help and support other women, so as we travel back, make a cuppa, there's more...


Rachel xx

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