My Aerobic Kickboxing Journey From Beginner to Instructor

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It is an Inspiring journey of an aerobic kickboxing enthusiast who transformed from a beginner at 20 to a situational awareness and self-defense instructor. Explore the empowering world of aerobic self-defense kickboxing, a unique blend of fitness and safety. Learn about our collaboration

My Aerobic Kickboxing Journey From Beginner to Instructor

Starting Out My First Class at 20

When I first walked into a kickboxing class at 20 years old, I  had given birth to my first child a few months before and I was ready to move.

I had no idea it would be the start of a transformative journey. The instructor, a woman decked out in camouflage shorts and a tank top, was the picture of strength and discipline.

This first class was a rollercoaster of emotions for me – a mix of nervousness, curiosity, and excitement. It was my first step into a world that was intimidating yet strangely inviting. I remember how challenging those initial sessions were, pushing me both physically and mentally. However, with each class, I noticed a change in myself. I was not only becoming stronger but also more confident and resilient.

The Early Challenges

The early days of my kickboxing journey were filled with trials and triumphs. Each session was a battle, a test of my willpower and endurance. The physical demands were intense, but the mental challenge was even greater. I had to overcome self-doubt and push through the tough moments. I kept going back for more. As I persisted, I began to see progress. I grew stronger, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. The satisfaction of mastering new techniques and pushing past my previous limits was exhilarating.

Falling in Love with Kickboxing

Over time, kickboxing evolved from a challenging workout into a deep passion. I found myself drawn to the gym, eager to learn and improve. I purchased a Boxing bag for my living room and on the days I didn't get to the gym I practiced. It was more than just physical exercise; it became a journey of self-improvement and empowerment. Each session left me feeling more empowered, as I learned not just about kickboxing, but also about discipline, resilience, and the joy of overcoming challenges.

Kickboxing; A Growing Passion

My growing skills in kickboxing were matched by love for the fitness sport and what it did for me mentally and physically. It became a crucial part of my life, providing not only a physical outlet but also mental and emotional benefits. The sense of accomplishment after each session was unparalleled, and the community I found supported and motivated each other, celebrating each other's victories and offering encouragement through the tough times. I now wanted to teach others how to keep moving, so my certifications began.

My Unique Approach: Aerobic Self-Defense Kickboxing

In my role as a kickboxing instructor, I developed a unique approach that combined the intensity of kickboxing with the fun of aerobic exercise. This combination allowed my students to enjoy a fantastic workout while also learning important situational awareness and self-defense skills. It was more than just an exercise class; it was a comprehensive program that focused on improving physical fitness, self-awareness, and personal safety.

Fitness and Safety Together

My aerobic self-defense kickboxing classes were about more than getting fit; they were about empowerment. I taught my students how to be aware of their surroundings, how to respond to potential threats, and how to feel confident and secure in their abilities. The goal was to create a safe space where students could not only improve their physical health but also gain skills that could be life-saving.

Adding in Self Perception and Awareness

Along with self-defense and situational awareness, self-perception and self-awareness cannot be overstated. These twin pillars form the foundation upon which effective self-defense strategies are built. Self-perception, what you think and feel about yourself, and the understanding of one's own abilities and limits, is critical. It empowers individuals to recognize their strengths and areas for improvement, enabling them to approach self-defense training with a realistic and practical mindset. On the other hand, self-awareness extends beyond personal introspection; it encompasses an acute awareness of one's surroundings. This heightened sense of awareness is crucial in identifying potential threats and making split-second decisions that could be life-saving. Together, self-perception and self-awareness create a synergy that enhances one's ability to navigate and respond to challenging situations. I wrote a book ' The 30 Day Self Perception Makeover', knowing what an impact a healthy Self Perception has on our lives. Self-perception dictates the chances you take, the choices you make both personally and professionally, and the situations you leave because you know it's not aligned and does not feel right.

By perfecting these skills, you will improve your physical defense capabilities and develop the mental agility and confidence needed to handle emergencies effectively. In essence, self-defense is as much about understanding and trusting oneself as it is about mastering physical techniques.

The Importance of the Physical Arts

As my experience in kickboxing deepened, I realized the importance of situational awareness and quick thinking, key elements in all martial arts. Whether it was kickboxing, Krav Maga, Karate, or Taekwondo, the focus was always on more than just physical techniques. It was about understanding your surroundings, being able to anticipate potential dangers, and having the mental agility to respond effectively.

More Than Fighting

With Self Defense Kickboxing I learned that it is much more than fighting. It’s about developing a mindset that is alert, calm, and prepared. It’s about learning to stay composed under pressure and to think clearly in challenging situations. It is about practice and muscle memory. These skills are invaluable, extending far beyond the gym and into everyday life.

Empowering Women in Fitness: Self-Defense Certifications with Strikeback

I’m thrilled to be collaborating with Strikeback Self-Defense for Women to offer certifications starting in the summer of 2024. These certifications are designed to equip more women with the skills to teach self-defense to other women and children. It’s an opportunity to extend the reach of these vital skills, creating a wider community of empowered women and children.

Expanding Our Reach

Through these certifications, we aim to build a strong team of female instructors who can spread the knowledge of self-awareness, situational awareness, and self-defense. This initiative is about more than just teaching physical techniques; it’s about instilling confidence and strength in women and children, giving them the tools to protect themselves and feel secure in any situation.

Looking to the Future

As I work with Gulshen and Strikeback Self Defense for Women we will certify instructors to teach globally. I am filled with anticipation for the opportunities that lie ahead. This certification is more than a personal achievement; it’s a chance to broaden our impact, reach more people, and share the empowering benefits of kickboxing and self-defense with a wider audience.

A Bigger Impact

With this upcoming global certification, our goal is to inspire and empower a larger community. I envision a future where more individuals have the confidence and skills to protect

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