Fine motor & Visual Motor gifts that help kids' writing

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Want some ideas of fun games that help your child's writing too? Here are some holiday gift ideas for your child that will develop their fine motor and eye-hand coordination skills for writing but they'll be too busy having fun to notice they're developing skills to help

Following up on last week's discussion about holiday gift ideas, today, I'm excited to dive into activities that aren't just fun but also help develop fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination which help writing.

1. Chinese Jump Rope

Remember French Skipping or Elastics? This game develops spatial awareness, strength, and precision—key elements for enhancing fine motor skills and writing.

Explore these toys and many more great developmental finds at Lighthouse Toys. Use code FREE for complimentary stress balls on orders over £30.

2. Flowersticks

A favorite among kids, Flowersticks are a popular circus toy that provide a blend of hand-eye coordination, strength, and creativity. Discover them at Oddballs, a gem in Camden Town, London.


The fascination of magnets meets skill development with Magnatiles. They offer a sensory-rich experience, enhancing hand awareness, strength, and coordination. 

4. Slime, Playdoh, or Putty 

Classic activities like slime, Playdoh, or putty are not just about fun—they're powerful tools for building hand strength, fine motor skills, and sparking creativity.

Support neurodivergent talent with Poppy Makes or explore sensory kits at Sensory Play All Day.

5. Sign Language Books

Unlock the world of sign language with books from Little Signers Club. Beyond communication, they also nurture body awareness, hand strength, and motor planning.

I hope these suggestions add joy and value to your holiday season.

For more exciting ideas, join us in the Helping Kids Write Facebook group.



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