Sales and Dating - Stop trying to jump into bed with your potential client

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Stop trying to jump into bed with your potential client

Sales and Dating - Stop trying to jump into bed with your potential client

I get the same feeling of ick when I get a cold sales message than I do when I get an unsolicited d*ck pic land in my messages and yet – people are still doing it EVERY DAY!

I get it, you are desperate for the sale, you know it’s a numbers game and SURELY someone will bite if you send enough of them to enough people (cold sales messages, not d*ck pics – unless you’re into the biting thing!)

I have said it before and I will no doubt say it again and again – Maya Angelou had it spot on when she said:

people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’

So it’s up to us, as business owners to ensure we deliver our sales in a way that can leave them remembering how we made them feel.

It’s like going on that first date. Would you propose marriage on the first date? Even if that IS what you desire you would come across as desperate and nobody wants to feel that!

When you date you get to know the person. You chat with them, find out what makes them tick, let them know about you and see if there’s a connection, then and only then, do you move to the next stages.

Sales are exactly the same!

People think sales are when you get the money hitting your bank – NOPE! That’s the contract/marriage stage. Sales begin with those first interactions. That beautiful dance of getting to know your potential client/customer and them getting to know you, your business and the services/products you offer.

If you don’t learn how to do this stage amazingly, then you will always struggle with sales and could end up being the desperate one sending all the messages leaving people feel icky – don’t be that person!!

Instead learn how to do sales in a way that feels wonderful for you and your client. Go on those first dates. Get to know them. Connect, find out what makes each other tick!

That’s where the magic is at!

Do this and you will always know where your next client is coming from – don’t, and you will be stuck in the scroll and desperate sales techniques that may get you a hit or miss sale but won’t ensure longevity in your business relationships!

Give it a try and let me know how you get on!

Happy datin… ooops I mean selling!

Stephanie C Starla

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Want to sell confidently?
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