7 x hacks for a healthier diet in 30 seconds or less

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Not having time to eat healthy is a REAL reason women are struggling. I’ve created a list of 30-second diet hacks which everyone can do to help you feel fuller and keep energy levels up.

You're low in energy, you're tired, you're gaining weight and the irony is you're too busy to do much about it. Or are you?

Do you have 30 seconds a day to make some changes?

I know what you're thinking - "how can 30 seconds a day help me to lose weight and improve my energy?"

I want to get straight to the point on this one because if you're too busy to cook yourself healthy food, you're too busy to read a long waffling blog!!

Just before I dig in - Complete wellbeing is more than just diet - but diet is where you'll get the biggest bang for your buck when you want to feel good and get strong.

Improving your diet DOES NOT have to mean a complete overhaul. Nor does it mean that you have to spend hours more in the kitchen!

I've made a short lit of healthy diet hacks that will help to improve the nutritional content of your diet to boost your mood, enhance your appearance and elevate your energy AND THEY'RE ALL 30 SECONDS OR LESS!

Increasing the amount of fibre helps to keep you full, improve your gut health, lose excess weight, and has been proven to reduce the risk of some cancers. 

So the first five tips are going to help you increase your fibre intake and increase the variety of plant foods you eat on a weekly basis - vital for more energy, better health and that midlife magnificence we all crave!

1. Use tinned or frozen beans and pulses

Using tinned and frozen food, saves so much time and will encourage you to eat foods which are high in the essential nutrient, fibre. A simple lunch could be a bowl of beans (not baked beans in sauce!) drizzled with olive oil and some sea salt. 

2. Use a science backed supplement.

There are plenty of great supplements out there, but I would recommend a whole food based supplement which will help to increase the variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet to enable you to access a wider range of nutrients; lowering inflammation, increasing immunity, supporting healthy detoxification, and improving your energy levels. Learn more about the capsules I recommend here at The Be Plan. With 6 capsules, you're adding 30 varieties of fruit and veg to your diet every single day.

3. Healthy AND convenient: pre-chopped stir fry veg.

These two words don't often go together and, yes, ideally you would chop your veg right before cooking or serving BUT the benefits of eating more veg outweigh the nutritional deficiency of pre-chopped veg. So on a day when you know you're going to be late home - plan for a stir fry and use bags of veg. Winner, winner, veggie dinner! 

4. Find a whole-food based meal replacement shake that you can trust.

There are plenty on the market but don't be fooled into going for the ones with the longest list of nutrients; the likelihood is that they've been added in isolation and manufactured synthetically so your body isn't necessarily able to absorb them.
And don't feel guilty about using a shake because in those moments where you're going to be on the move or away from home all day and you want something that you can take with you that is healthy - choose a shake over a Greggs!

Book a call here to see if our products could help you - these shakes are great for anyone who is a meal skipper, a sandwich grabber, someone who wants to lose weight or someone who wants to gain weight.

5. Keep 'snacking veg' to hand.

For weight loss and general wellbeing I recommend eating more vegetables than fruit. Keep veg, that is easy to snack on raw, to hand. A great example of this is mange tout - high in fibre and antioxidant nutrients and tastes really good. 

6. Morning water

Pour a large glass of water before bed and keep it by your bedside or on the side in the kitchen. As soon as you wake up, consume the whole glass - a great way to start your day and you're already ahead for your daily hydration. We need water to keep our cells working properly, keep our skin glowing and to feel energised.

7. High protein hack.

So many women at our age are not consuming enough protein for several reasons: meat has been somewhat demonised over the last few years, women are often cutting calories and this results in eating less protein, and lastly, we need to compensate for the ageing process. 
Here's a 30 second hack for more protein.... use a high protein yogurt such as Skyr or Fage and add a portion of protein powder. Of course, I have my favourite protein powder which is clean, researched, non-GMO and plant based (more variety again). Message me on ZZatem or Facebook and I can send you a link for you to buy. #strongisthenewskinny 

If you want to learn more about any of the products or hacks that I've suggested here, get in touch today and we can get you going on your journey to a healthier lifestyle with SIMPLE, easy-to-maintain, steps.

Beth x

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