Take control you are the Wordsmith in life

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Taking control of those doom spirals, dont get stuck in automatic negative thoughts.

Do you watch your thoughts? 
Once upon this was a great struggle of mine and in some ways, I didn't believe that I could take charge! I let my victim mode take control and let everything run rampant, my thoughts, behaviours and emotional reactions built up over the years of my life and experiences ran this ship! 
Years later I know better than that, I write this story and create the world I live in, Life is a choice every single second of the day and the direction it goes in is up to only me!
Today I caught a beautiful spiral of automatic negative thoughts and it reminded me of some thought patterns I had long thought healed, This started with a task I need to be sorting for later in the year and ended with me considering that if I did that I would need antidepressants!
It was an impressive spiral even if I do say so myself!
I was Surprised by the thoughts and kind of entertained as I discussed them with a friend, I honestly was amazed at how my brain could jump itself into the idea of depression from one very old trigger!
The thing is we have amazing beautiful brains built to protect us, they link in past experiences, emotions and behaviours and all it needs is the right trigger to recognise and reconnect those feelings.
I am lucky to have years of practice with catching that doom spiral and I am now going to be doing some good old CBT methods to disconnect and empower that activity/trigger!
But 100%  the first thing was catching it, if you are not aware of what thoughts are going on in your head and taking a note then finding the trigger can be tricky!
So I offer you an activity, start making a note of your thoughts, and you pick the thoughts you are watching out for. Maybe any moments of self-doubt, criticism or “ shoulds “ to start with!
When you have these notes down sit and look back on them, how are those thoughts serving you? What can you start changing them to?
Thoughts are stories, they are not reality, time to take control of that typewriter!
Share your stories below as you catch those thoughts I would love to hear how you take control!

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Thanks for sharing. I do watch my thoughts with openness and understanding now
