How can 13 help me to experience more love and creativity?

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We all want love and creativity - but how can we increase this in our lives? The key point I'd like to you take away is that we never know what life will hold for us. After lots of exploration, I've found that we can transform our lives with simple actions - and these for me ha

Love and creativity come from an open heart that allows you to share yourself with others. When your heart is troubled, physically or metaphysically, you are less able to be open with yourself and with those near and dear to you.

Years ago, I struggled with creativity so I started a new hobby of patchwork quilting. It involved colour, putting things together in new ways, and making something that would last. This was especially important to me when I was seriously unwell after my second child was born. At that time, I was given 5 years to live - yikes! I wanted to leave something behind to comfort my husband and two babies. So I started making quilts - leave them with a hug. I still well up when I think about those times - and the pain of not having the time with them. This creative endeavour expanded new areas in my life and opened me to new ways of being creative and expressing my love. I jumped in with both feet and even started working in a quilt shop and teaching others how to quilt. The cover photo for this blog is a quilt that I designed and hand-crafted with many, many little stitches. There is lots of love and creativity sewn into this quilt that hangs in my sitting room even now.

The key point I'd like to you take away is that we never know what life will hold for us. 

Even with all the challenges, I've made it through that tough time - and many more of them - my children are now 27 and 28 so it's long past that 5-year prognosis. Over the years, I discovered ways to improve my health and to be more able to show up for those I love (and for myself). One new area other than quilting is JSJ. I discovered this in 2012 when I had another health crisis. It has truly transformed my life - to feeling even better and I've found my calling to help others in this way. I never want someone to be in a place where they feel like all is lost (like I did back in 2012). So I'm putting out the word here that I can help!

Your body, in its infinite and innate wisdom, has the power to shift from troubled to more open. Sometimes, though, you may become stuck and need a bit of help. When stuck in this area, energy can become congested here – an area referred to in Jin Shin Jyutsu as safety energy lock 13. This safety energy lock (along with the 52 throughout your body) is an access point to release tension and expand your capacity to make your life as you would like it. The specific safety energy lock 13 helps you to transform yourself, your circumstances, and your perspective.

Love begins with self-love. When you have self-love you are more kind to yourself and others. Self-love leads to acceptance and the ability to be present. Then you can bring new things to life through your creativity. These things can include children, projects and/or new ventures.

Simple holds to expand love and creativity

Holding specific places on your body can help to ease things and expand your capacity for love and creativity. In addition to specific places (safety energy locks), you can help yourself by holding a finger. Connections to all your energy run through your hands and specific fingers help specific functions and needs.

Which finger do I hold?

When you hold your index finger, you support yourself and help your body to function better. This shift extends to how you think and how you feel too. It’s amazing how your body has the wisdom and simply needs the prompts to return to harmony and good health. Holding the index finger also eases fears that may block love and creativity. When in doubt, things don’t flow freely.

You can also support yourself by holding your little finger. The little finger energies help to align what you’re feeling on the inside with how you show up in the world. Having the courage to express yourself, having the reserves to love, and having the spark to be creative.

Where else can I hold to expand love and creativity?

The 13 safety energy locks are located on the front of the rib cage, a few inches below the clavicle, by the third rib.

Ease tension in this area by resting each hand on the SEL 13s. Relax as the tension eases over a few minutes.

You can cross your hands if you like. You can also rest each hand on the same side. Sometimes you may even like to hold just one side or the other. Experiment and see what works best for you.

Getting added help and support

Sometimes, though, things are too difficult to face on your own – you may need extra help to release fears, stress, and self-doubt. Often, troubled hearts and minds require additional support.

You can have this help through sessions of Jin Shin Jyutsu. I have had times in my life where I’ve had congestion in this area and despair that seemed endless. I know, through personal experience and through helping clients, that things can change. I can support you in your journey – easily and gently – with Jin Shin Jyutsu acupressure. I bring my wisdom, experience, and empathy to help you. Come into a safe space where you will be heard, cared for, and the gentle acupressure touches will help you to heal.

There is hope and there is help.



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Author Kyra Lennon 1 y

This is so cool. I clicked on this because the number 13 keeps consistently showing up in my life, so I was drawn to the post title, and now I'm really glad I read it! <3