Embracing Your Truest Nature

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For those that have lost touch with themselves, their gut feelings, and their intuition.

Yesterday, I wrote about how we don’t need to make drastic changes in our lives in 2024 to feel worthy! 


Have you missed it? 


Run over and take three minutes to read it here: 



I believe rather than losing 10 pounds, reading 40 books, or planning endless activities for our children to become a better Mother… We need to slow down and listen to our bodies and intuition. 


You may be thinking this “kumbaya” approach is NOT for you. 


Hear me out: I once sat squarely in your shoes and consistently thought about this “hocus pocus” they were carrying on.


Growing up, I was fast in making decisions and had a strong sense of what FELT right. I didn’t always have a logical reason for my decision. It simply made sense in my body. To this day, I believe I often kept myself away from danger by following my gut. At the time, I didn’t know it was following my intuition. 


As I indicated that I followed my feelings, I was told, “You’re such a girl, always acting on your emotions and not with any logic.” At this point, I began to doubt myself. Could someone make clear, level-headed, fast decisions using only emotion?” This was the day I started losing touch with my intuition. It was the day I began to lose a sense of myself. It was the day I started valuing logical explanations over emotional explanations. This was the day I started believing all things spiritual were “hocus pocus.”


Unfortunately, I stayed in this space for the next 15 years. Always finding logical doubts in people’s stories. Whether it be tarot cards, astrology, charts, chakras, energy fields, alignment, intuition, you name it, I would find a flaw. 


My stance was challenged in 2015. After numerous doctors and taking multiple scans and blood tests, I was no closer to knowing what ailed me. Shouldn’t doctors and logic have the answers? This was the beginning of my unraveling. The beginning of my alternative journey. The return to the belief system that logical thoughts and systems didn’t have all the answers. The return of listening to my body and making decisions instinctively. 



If you play by the same rules I played with for most of my life, I know your LOGICAL brain is screaming right now! 


Please take a moment and hush it down. 


Remove yourself to a quiet space. Maybe it’s outside, in the kitchen, or in your bedroom. 


Breathe 10 deep breaths and ask yourself these questions. 


Body, who am I? 


Body, how can I support you? 


Body, what do you need to thrive?


Simply listen to the responses. No need to take action. What ideas, images, or thoughts come forward for you? 


Does your body feel cherished? 


This is the beginning of bringing you back in touch with your body and intuition. 


This is the beginning of remembering who you are at your core. 


This is the beginning of taking aligned action. 


Trust in your body to tell you what it needs and when it needs it. 


Together, we will create a society that feels seen, heard, and valued!


Rachel Coudron

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