Everything is energy, everything has its own vibration including us humans, when we maintain a high vibration we tend to feel happier, more aligned, peaceful, optimisticand as a by product and working with the law of attraction (like attracts like) then we are going to able to welcome in more high vibe experiences, opportunities and such into our reality.
I felt inspired to create this quick list on what you can do to raise your vibration and to keep things balanced I have included what will lower your vibration at the bottom of the page!
Listen to your favourite music
Drink plenty water stay hydrated
Eat nourishing, healthy food
Practice energy medicine, clearing protection
Epsom Salts Bath / Foot Bath
Lie flat on the floor
Connect with nature
Walking barefoot on the grass
Positive Affirmations
Work with crystals and essential oils
Light incense
Have a digital detox
Rest and relax
Connect with a loved one
Do a good deed for someone else
Practice gratitude
Try something new
Get creative
Pay someone a compliment
Focus on the good
Step outside your comfort zone
Forgive yourself and others to let go of resentment heavy energy
Orgasms - have sex with someone who you love, trust and have a deep connection with (including yourself)
10 Ways You Are Lowering Your Vibration
1. Not getting enough sleep
2. Drinking too much alcohol
3. Taking drugs
4. Watching the news/consuming too much social media
5. Watching porn / casual sex
6. Eating processed food
7. Not switching off enough from technology
8. Overworking
9. Stress/Overwhelm
10 Staying in toxic situations
11. Being around negative people
Stay high vibe beautiful souls
Helen xx
Helen Pinkett is an Energy Healer, Intuitive Empath Lightworker with a slight obsession with Astrology and all things related to Spirituality, the Universe, Personal Growth Mindset
Author Kyra Lennon 1 是
Great tips! I love a good dance and sing, but I definitely need to hydrate more!