Leadership Styles in the Digital Age: Advanced Topics for MBA Dissertations

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We all know that the world changes from the Industrial to the Digital Age, there are some fundamental leadership styles that leaders can follow in present times.

These include Commander, Communicator, Collaborator, and Co-Creator. These four leadership styles are relevant in the Digital Economy because they represent how networked types of organisational structures are replacing top-down and hierarchical structures, and so leaders must adapt to the changing internal and external imperatives.


According to organisational theory, firms, employees, and leaders must "organise themselves" in response to changing external situations; so the 4Cs of leadership styles must also be used.


Before we start, it is important to know that each of the four leadership styles discussed can be used by business leaders individually or in combination.


Indeed, according to leadership characteristic theory, leadership styles manifest as a "continuum" rather than as individual traits, which means that a leader can be a communicator, collaborator, commander, and co-creator.


If you are confused and don't know where to start research on this topic, we simply this topic for you in the following section. Also, you can Pay For Dissertation Paper from expert services to write a successful paper.

What is Digital Leadership?

Digital leadership refers to how leaders behave and act in an increasingly digitalised world. An excellent description of digital leadership is a leadership style that has evolved and adapted due to the advancement of digitalization. It offers a method of managing people and teams in the digital era, allowing leaders to tackle the new difficulties provided by digital transformation in the workplace. Digital leadership is a flexible leadership style that capitalises on the benefits of the digital transition for the benefit of the company and its employees.


Employees are at the centre of this new digital leadership model, with managers and leaders giving them more freedom and opportunity. Managers must also embrace new leadership concepts and expand their roles in new directions. Essentially, digital leadership divides the function of the leader into two major categories.


The manager, as a specialist: First, managers must become specialists with the necessary skills to master digital tools and new paradigms such as hybrid working.


The manager as a change driver: Second, and equally important, the manager serves as a digital transformation leader, driving and controlling change within the organisation. As part of this, they must react positively to change, showing openness, innovation, and courage to promote company-wide transformation.

Leadership Styles in the Digital Age

This is why techniques like Agile have grown in popularity among businesses, since they provide the essential structure for responding and reacting to the market's networked and real-time demands.


According to theory, Agile represents a paradigm shift in organisational and leadership thinking since it is a symbiotic, open system, networked, self-sustaining, cross-functional, adaptable, and flexible way of working.


As the phrases indicate, Agile encourages organisational leaders to be more team-oriented rather than top-down and hierarchical, and to collaborate and co-create with teams rather than work independently.


Furthermore, Agile requires leaders to change their mindsets to be more responsive to their teams in real-time and, co-create with them.

Why is Digital Leadership so Important Nowadays?

Adopting a digital leadership style is essential for effective leadership throughout digital transformation. Digital leaders can help companies in recognising and communicating the benefits and opportunities of digital technology to their teams, as well as actively implementing and encouraging the usage of these tools in their processes. They serve as the link between technology and employees, bridging the gap between the digital space and employees of all generations, helping them work successfully with digital tools.


Digital leadership is essential for successful digitalization. According to the Boston Consulting Group, 70% of digital transformation projects fail to reach their objectives. Those that do generate value are identified by six key success elements, including a strong commitment to digital leadership and the availability of suitable digital leadership skills. Leadership and digital transformation are intimately related.


Now explore the advanced topic list of leadership for MBA students. Moreover, students can also hire MBA Dissertation Writers to write strong dissertations on this complex topic.


  • Why is leadership training necessary, and what should it involve?
  • The impact of workplace conflict and an effective strategy for professional leaders to resolve disagreements related to work procedures or clashing interests or ideas.
  • Why is it essential for leaders to receive training to deal with change and beat all professional challenges?
  • Problem-solving – the ultimate weapon of an able professional leader to approach difficult situations positively.
  • Leading and innovation – How can leaders build a culture of innovation to boost employees into creating unique things and ideas?
  • How has virtual leadership helped organizations in leading a digital team to success in the wake of the pandemic?
  • Project planning and delegating – a case study on a small-scale company that made it big by planning and delegating projects effectively.
  • What steps can professional leaders take to build trust and respect among employees towards the management?
  • How important is feedback when it comes to leading a team of employees to success?
  • An effective plan on how leaders can coach employees to improve their performance
  • Managing meetings – an art that every professional leader must master
  • How can management leaders motivate and encourage employees financially and non-financially?
  • An analysis of the role of effective communication skills for a team of employees and a professional leader
  • Time and energy management leads to better efficiency and productivity. Explain how a professional leader can capitalize on time as an asset.
  • Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk – What do they have in common as technological leaders?
  • An analysis of the most important elements required in educational leadership
  • High school instructors vs college instructors: The difference in elements of leadership
  • A plan for improving communication among students coming from multicultural backgrounds
  • The influence of some of the most prominent education leaders on the landscape of international education – an analysis.
  • What reformative measures must be adopted by primary school pupils to foster leadership?
  • How can we reevaluate certain measures to induce positive growth among younger students?
  • Explain the impact of a good relationship between educational leaders like principals and teachers on students
  • The significance of the leadership of a college dean in helping students move toward success

Final Words: Leadership Need Feedback, Especially During Digitalization

A leader's perception of themselves might differ significantly from how their team, superiors, or customers perceive them, with the external and self-image commonly overlapping. That's why great digital leaders benefit from genuine feedback.


In the digital workplace, it is usually more difficult to assess what others think and feel, especially when leaders and workers work remotely and do not meet on a daily basis. On the other hand, digitization creates new opportunities: collecting input has never been easier. Smart team feedback solutions provide holistic input to managers, assisting them in becoming effective leaders.


We know this is a complex topic for students to cover for their dissertations. That’s why we covered the whole topic for you and provided you the best advanced topics list for MBA dissertations. Hope you get the benefit from it!

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