Are you living the life of your dreams? It all starts with a list…

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If you’ve ever wondered if this is it, does life get any better than this or could I be happier doing something else, then read on…

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck in a life that lacks passion and purpose? Or maybe it’s not quite so clear cut as that. Perhaps you love your job but you hadn’t imagined it being so all- consuming, or you always wanted a family but now you’re wondering if you can be a mum and pursue a job that gives you the opportunity to use your creativity again. It’s different for everyone but it’s important that we are all honest with ourselves and listen to what our hearts actually desire. It can be scary to listen to our inner voice because we might need to make some big changes in order to follow our dreams, but what’s more scary is living a life that doesn’t fulfil us, or make us happy.

We made a list...

I loved my job as a creative arts therapist in London. I had worked hard to build a business for myself and worked six days a week. I definitely felt successful and knew I was making a difference to my clients’ lives. However, it was when I got pregnant with my first child that I realised this life was not going to be enough. I couldn’t possibly keep my business going and look after a newborn, and I wouldn’t want to have such a demanding profession, especially as it took so much out of me on an emotional level and I wanted to invest those emotions back into my family life. My husband felt the same, he was also self employed and worked even more than me, but our baby was more important to us than our businesses and we imagined a different way of life to the one we were currently living. So we sat down and we made a list...

You've got to be honest 

This is where the honesty happens and the changes start from here. We sat down one evening when we had plenty of time; first we enjoyed a lovely meal together and then we talked about the future. We both took out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote down a list of all the things we wanted from our lives. Where we would live, what we would do, how we would spend time as a family, what hobbies we’d enjoy and so on. Everything we would like our lives to be like if we were really dreaming big. Then we compared the lists and what surprised us was how similar they were! Both of us imagined a life outside of the city, growing our own food and aiming for a level of self-sufficiency. We wanted to be able to follow our creative pursuits, eat better, do yoga, and we wanted to watch our child/children grow up.

Am I truly happy?

That’s the first step, acknowledging your current situation and asking yourself if it is in alignment with your dreams. Take some time to reflect on your life and ask yourself: am I truly happy? Do I feel fulfilled? If the answer is no, then it’s time to dig deeper and explore what could be missing for you.

It can be tricky to hear our inner voice because we often silence it out of fear or societal expectations. But it’s there to guide us towards our true purpose and when we take the time to listen to it, it can guide us towards our dreams. For me and my husband the voice had been there for some time, whispering it’s real passions and desires. We’d spent the first few years of our relationship travelling and experiencing different countries and cultures. Each trip peeled away another layer and eventually we began to feel like we didn’t want the holidays to end. It got harder and harder to return to our real lives and our work. When the time came to discuss our future and make plans for our new baby, it was an easy decision to move abroad. We were finally ready to listen to our inner voice and reach for our wildest dreams.

You may find it’s not quite so easy to hear your inner voice. After years of ignoring it and squashing it down you may need to take more time to connect with yourself, whether through meditation, journaling, or quiet reflection. Tune in to that inner voice and allow it to guide you towards your dreams. And when you hear it, then what?

It's time to take action!

Well then it’s time to take action! Break down your big dreams into smaller, actionable steps. Create a roadmap that will guide you towards your desired destination. Progress is made one step at a time, so celebrate each milestone along the way. Following your dreams will not always be easy. There will be challenges, setbacks, and moments of doubt. But remember, it's all part of the journey. Embrace the ups and the downs, and use them as opportunities for growth and learning. Surround yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals who can uplift and inspire you along the way. Above all, believe in yourself and your ability to create the life you desire. You are worthy of a life filled with passion and purpose, so dream BIG and write that list...


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Author Kyra Lennon 39 w

I love that you took the time to really think about what you truly wanted, Great read!
