Why Every Company Should Embrace Trauma-Informed Practices and Enhance Risk Assessment

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Any staff member facing challenges directly impacts the company, affecting their productivity, interaction with colleagues and clients, and leading to increased sick leave.

Why Every Company Should Embrace Trauma-Informed Practices and Enhance Risk Assessment

Any staff member facing challenges directly impacts the company, affecting their productivity, interaction with colleagues and clients, and leading to increased sick leave.

Instead of pushing struggling employees out, understanding and supporting them is crucial to prevent potential risks like addiction, self-harm, or even suicide.

With mental health issues rising and health services struggling to meet demands, replacing employees may not solve the underlying issues.
Adopting trauma-informed approaches not only benefits the employee but also the company financially, fostering trust, loyalty, and commitment.

Domestic abuse, which includes coercive control and abuse, can extend to the workplace, posing risks to team members. Addressing such issues is vital to ensure a safe environment and support those in need.

Recognizing signs of abuse in employees, addressing concerns, and providing support can make a significant difference in their well-being and safety.

Effective risk assessment is crucial for both the company and employees, potentially saving lives by creating a supportive and safe environment.

Here are just a few of the stats:

£14 billion lost by businesses each year through decreased productivity and time off sick.

1 in 10 said that the abuse continued in the workplace by means of abusive call and texts

16% said that the perpetrator was in the workplace

90% of people experiencing domestic abuse said it caused conflict at work
less than 24% of domestic abuse cases get reported to the police

1 in 2 perpetrators follow through on any direct or indirect threat

On average 2 women a week lose their life at the hands of a current or ex partner

1 in 5 children live with a perpetrator and 1 in 5 teenage girls experience abuse in their romantic relationships.

Become a trauma informed business and implement a strong policy against abuse both inside and outside of the business.

Together we can improve outcomes for future generations.

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