Are you afraid of saying what's on your heart in your marketing?

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Discover the courage to break free from vanilla marketing with a compelling exploration of the 6 Human Needs by Tony Robbins, guiding you to authenticity and impactful content creation.

Are you secretly afraid of the words in your marketing being misconstrued to represent a person you are not?


You aren’t the only one. 


Writing vanilla content is safe and secure. 


No one will judge you harshly, no one will be triggered by your thoughts or experiences, and everyone will love you. 


Except they don’t. They don’t remember you. Your post didn’t pull on their heartstrings, inspire them to take action, or ruffle their feathers. 


When it comes to being noticed, safety does not equal success. 


How do you stay true to yourself while also incorporating meaningful content? 


You analyze, understand, and implement strategies around the 6 Human Needs introduced by Tony Robbins. 


As much as we would like to believe that we are independent individuals carving our own paths in this world… we are connected. At our cores, we all have the same six needs. The hierarchy for each person is different. Our highest needs dictate our behavior and our actions. 

Let’s dive a little deeper into these needs. 


  1. Love and Connection: Constantly seeking out close relationships with someone or something. 
  2. Significance: Constantly seeking out recognition
  3. Certainty: Safety and security for the future
  4. Growth: Always striving to learn more and be better than before. 
  5. Contribution: Focusing on the collective and impacting your local community
  6. Variety: Frequent changes in your life


Which 2 do you resonate with the most? (We ALL have these needs in varying degrees) As soon as you finish reading this blog… hop over to your social media… and analyze your most recent posts. I promise they are reflections of your top needs. Then hurry back over and tell me the results in the comments. 


Now, why is this helpful? Knowing what type of posts you naturally gravitate towards opens your understanding to those you unintentionally ignore. This is important because certainty and significance are the most common top two needs across the board. 


As a copywriter, I must be able to analyze which needs you are naturally meeting with your marketing and to fill the gaps to ensure you are speaking effectively to your ideal client. 

Need help amplifying the appeal of your marketing? I have two exclusive can’t-miss items for you! 


The Social Media Sum-Up is a deep dive into how your socials meet the pain vs. pleasure mentality for consumerism, meet the purpose of your business, and incorporate the use of the 6 Human Needs, 3 copywriting tips, and 12 pre-written posts to increase your visibility and sales! This is hassle-free, typed into an editable document, delivered to your inbox, and for only 37€!




Pop me a message with the words Social Media Sum-Up because your voice deserves to be heard and your products and services valued. 


Almost forgot, I also have a brand-new service! Train ChatGPT to reflect you! Are you overloaded with all the hats you’ve been wearing in your business? Never have time for your friends or family? This is for you! Train ChatGPT to speak like you do! Save time and your sanity! Let me handle ChatGPT while you work on other income-producing activities! A significant load off for only 87€, what more could your dreams be made of? 




Send me a message with the words ChatGPT because your time is precious, and you deserve to do the things you love! 


Without a doubt, including the 6 Human Needs will transform your marketing! 


This is a simple invitation to work with me with no strings attached! 


But the only way to prove the value of holistic marketing is for you to try it yourself.


I look forward to seeing you in my inbox! 


P.S. If you’re already using the 6 Human Needs in your marketing, why not pass this opportunity along to a friend or fellow business owner because we all need support in our business.


With all the love, 

Rachel Coudron

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