The TRUTH about binge eating

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Binge eating involves eating a lot of food, usually fast, often in secret. You can feel a loss of control over food, guilt and shame about your eating habits, low mood, anxiety and weight gain. Often we falsely believe that the issue is food and that we’re “greedy”, we “just love food” or that we don’t have the necessary willpower to stop when we are full. It’s never about the food itself. It’s always about the underlying emotions. The eating is the symptom. The emotions are the root cause. In order to overcome binge eating you NEED to understand that you’re in control. You have got the power in you to stop. You need to address the root cause. Here are some limiting beliefs that might keep you trapped in a binge eating cycle. Beliefs that stop you from feeling empowered to stop.

I can’t stop eating.


Yes you can. No one is forcing you to eat. You are not physically out of control. Every bite you put into your mouth is a bite you’ve chosen to take. This a a harsh truth. Knowing you have the power means you have the ability to change it. 


Binge eating is a way to let go/treat myself/have fun.


What you want to do here is look at the end result, not how you feel 1 minute in. Do you look back and think, “Man, that binge was so fun!” Doubtful. Or, “That was a great way to let go/treat myself!” I don’t think so. So no, binge eating is not a great way to do any of those. It's a lie you tell yourself to justify a binge in the moment. 



There’s no point in fighting it, I’ll have to deal with this forever anyway.


No you won’t. I was a binge eater for 18 years have supported many others to stop. You may think your situation is different, but that’s just another lie. If you’re willing to put in the work to end this, you are absolutely capable of doing it. I say this to help you understand that you can change if you commit to it. 



I need to binge.


This is never true. You never need to binge. It may feel like you do, but you don’t. This feeling of need comes from you wanting to stop feeling how you’re feeling, immediately.


Emotions will not harm you, they’ll just be uncomfortable. You don’t need to binge to make them go away, but you want to.


I had a client say the other day during a coaching call


"A terrible thing happened to me and I didn't turn to food. I didn't even think about it. 

I thought I needed food to deal with stuff but I don't. I didn't eat to comfort myself. I did what I needed to do to sort the sh*t out and I felt amazing for it" 




That wasn’t enough and I need to eat more.


If you’re eating when you’re not hungry, anything that you eat is more than enough.


This is one of those you want to look at and ask, “enough what?” If it’s enough food to satisfy your hunger, then you’re good, you weren’t physically hungry to begin with.


If it’s enough food to create a feeling you were looking to feel, such as pleasure, then that’s where the problem is.


Often we turn to food to make us feel happy. But it only lasts minutes. 

If instead we look for happiness in other places; relationships, hobbies, friends, walks, gardening, self care, exercise whatever it is that gives you joy you'll find that your cup feels fuller without the need to rely on food 




I was a binge eater for 18 years. I know it's hard to overcome. I get it. I now help women like you over come it through coaching and identifying and working on the root cause along side practical routines with food and exercise. 

Follow me on Facebook and IG @carlyyuecoach or drop me a WhatsApp 07834996469 to have a chat about how I can help you gain control over food, your weight and regain your confidence. 


Carly  xx 



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