Ask Me Anything - Week 6

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A handful of questions... Is anyone actually reading these posts? lol

Today, I decided to answer three short(ish) questions submitted to me via FB and IG.

How many works in progress do you currently have? - Emma.

officially, too many, but actively working on, two. One is a co-write with the gorgeous Clare Bentley and is for a shared world being organised for the Shrewsbury signing later this year. It's a bit different to what I normally write, but there's still romance at the heart. I honestly hope readers love it as much as we do.

The other is a dating app romance. I'm nearing them actually meeting for real, so it should be almost done, but I haven't touched it much recently as I've been concentrating on the co-write as that one has a deadline.

Are there any insider tips you could give aspiring authors? - Donna.

I'll try to keep this short so as not to overwhelm or dishearten anyone.

The short answer is no. You need to find your voice as an author, settle into your writing identity. 

However, what I will say is for you to write the story YOU want to write. Don't let anyone dictate how you tell the tale of your characters. Sure, not everyone will like the direction you take it in, and that's fine. Only you can tell your story your way.

Remember not everyone who reads it will love it as much as you, and that's ok. Art in any form is subjective, and people interpret things different ways. I'm not saying someone not liking the book you've poured blood, sweat, and tears into won't sting because it does. But accept the reality.

Lastly (of this list at least), you are your first reader. If you don't love it, readers will be able to tell.

Who is your favourite character of yours and why? - Georgina.

This is possibly one of the hardest questions you can ask an author. You may as well ask a mother which of her children is her favourite lol. All of our characters hold a special place in our hearts - even the bad ones.

So, with that in mind, I'll give you a top 5 (and I don't care if that's cheating. It's my blog ha!)

In no particular order:

Gage - It Started in Texas - He's such a sweetheart, and he cares about the people in his life. He's the first male character I'd written who could be considered a book boyfriend.

Chris - The Bassist and the Best friend - My poor baby Chris. He goes through so much in his life, but it never makes him bitter. He still supports his friends and loves them unconditionally. I'd love to be in his inner circle because that boy has a lot of love to give.

Sophie - There She Goes - Like Chris, Sophie goes through a hell of a lot. Her immediate reaction when things get too much is to run away, but eventually, she ralises that her problems follow her and she faces them head on. She's strong, resiliant, and never plays the victim card (despite being fully entitled to).

Riley - Gavel to Girlfriend - Riley is secure in herself, most of the time. She's independent and sarcastic as hell. But, like most of us, when faced with the guy she has a crush on, isn't quite sure what to do next.

Will - Where There's a Will... - While some may see him as a bit pushy, I like to see him as a man who knows what he wants. And who is determined to get it. But he also shows vulnerability in a way that makes his so endearing.

Hopefully, if you read the above books, you'll agree with me.

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