‘What’s the point of networking anyway?’

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My journey from networking ‘no way!’ to leader of my local MIB networking group! Part One

So, what is networking anyway?

Back in 2019 I think it’s safe to say that I had not really heard of networking before. It was not a concept that I had come across and if you had asked me what it was I would probably have answered something along the lines of ‘isn’t it something that businessmen in suits do, after work’. I definitely didn’t think it could apply to me and I had yet to learn of any of its benefits. Looking back, I had definitely done some networking. I ran a thriving therapy business and knew the power of contacts and connections, building relationships with others in my field and even sharing ideas and knowledge with others looking to start out on the same path as me who needed some guidance. But I wasn’t calling it networking then and so it wasn’t completely intentional when it did happen.



‘Mum’s in Business?’ Sounds interesting!

After the birth of my son I moved abroad with my husband, leaving the big smoke and city lights behind for a quieter and more simple life (‘who were we kidding!) Within the space of a few months I had become a first time mum, left my career behind and moved to a cave house in the mountains of Gran Canaria where I didn’t speak the language and had no friends or family to rely on. I loved this new sunshine lifestyle but it wasn’t long before I started to miss the company of other women, my independence and having a job that gave me financial autonomy. My sister suggested checking on Facebook for any local mums groups and I joined a few, on a quest to make friends and get back into the world again. During this search I stumbled across a local MIB group, which lead me to the main MIB group too. Now, I didn’t have a business at this point, and as I said before I didn’t really think networking was for me either, but the idea of other mums ‘being in business’ sounded like something I wanted a part of and I joined both groups to see what they were all about.

Motivational and inspiring

There were all sorts of motivational talks and trainings going on in the main group; Leona burton, the CEO and founder of MIB was a powerhouse, as were the other women whose businesses were being shared in daily posts to enable them to connect and collaborate. I simultaneously felt out of my depth and right at home in this group of remarkable women and inspiration was there for the taking! I decided to start a business doing something I loved, and just in time for Christmas too! I had always loved sewing and decided to make some one-of-a-kind dolls and ornaments. I worked my socks off, encouraged by my local MIB group, and managed to make enough money for Christmas presents, festive treats and a Spanish language course which I took in the new year! My first experience of networking had been a success!

Be bold and take a chance

Over the next few years I stayed on the outskirts of the MIB groups. My local group faded away after the pandemic brought a stop to in-person events and after a strong start making connections and a couple of collaborations with my sewing endeavours I stopped this project to focus on building a unique mountainside bed and breakfast with my husband. I never forgot the impact that the MIB group had had on me though and I continued to lurk in the background, checking out other women’s posts and loving my daily dose of inspiration! Until one day I told my husband that I missed our local group, in just a couple of video chats it had encouraged me to move forward with an idea, accepted my young toddler running around, screaming and needing my attention, and given me the courage to try something new. Were the group looking for a new leader? Could that leader be me? I didn’t want to sit on the notion for too long in case I talked myself out of it, so I sent a message and asked how it worked, putting myself forward for the position whilst thinking I might not be qualified for the job.

Hi I’m Rachael, MIB leader for Gran Canaria!

A couple of months later and I’m about to run the very first in-person Mums in Business event in Gran Canaria! The 260+ Facebook group was thoroughly inactive when I took over, having struggled to survive a pandemic, but I’ve made a huge effort to reconnect with many of the women in the group, and added many new ones too. Slowly but surely our little group is growing and engaging more and more and I hope that the women in my group find it a safe and nurturing space for themselves and their businesses. For those women like me who don’t have a business yet, just a dream or an idea of something more, I hope they feel inspired and motivated by the stories of those women around us that have been there and done it already and who continue to grow and strive for more. I hope they will use this group, and the main group, to connect with other women like them, and realise their true potential, which is easier when you’re surrounded by your sisters cheering you on, raising you up and offering guidance and support when you need it most. And for all the women in the group, whether new to business or not, I hope that strong connections and friendships will be made, ideas will be shared, collaborations created and businesses strengthened through the relationships that will be formed at our in-person events and through our Facebook group.

So, what is networking anyway?

If you were to ask me today how I would describe networking and what were its benefits I would have a completely different answer for you. Networking is powerful, it’s impactful and can change your life for the better. It’s women encouraging other women to achieve their goals and to make friends along the way. It’s not endlessly sharing your own business, trying to get a sale. It’s supporting others first, with your experiences and knowledge, and them doing the same for you. Networking is buying from fellow women in business, it’s humbly asking questions of those who’ve made it before us and listening to their experience and advice, it’s connecting with likeminded women, and mothers, who want more for themselves and their families.  And it’s not men in suits discussing their business endeavours after work, I was definitely wrong about that!

I'll be running the very first Gran Canaria MIB event tomorrow, 26th January, and I can't wait to share how it goes! If you're living in GC and want to join us you can still get a last minute ticket here: https://mibint.co/ask/e2bhr

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Rachel Coudron 36 w

I know this blog is more about networking but I was shocked with our similar stories. I also moved abroad where I didn't speak the language and networking brought me back to myself ans helped me recover my mental health.

Lou Feltham Smith 36 w

Love this. Well done Rachael x

Wendy Pullen 36 w

Loved reading this 💞💞