Mastering Business Events: A Guide for Exhibitors

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This week I was asked to do a LIVE about events such as conferences and expo's and how exhibitors can make the most from events. On the live I covered 10 points with a couple of bonus points that would give exhibitors things to think about when signing up to an event.

Mastering Business Events: A Guide for Exhibitors

This week I was asked to do a LIVE about events such as conferences and expo's and how exhibitors can make the most from events. On the live I covered 10 points with a couple of bonus points that would give exhibitors things to think about when signing up to an event. Below are those key points.

Before the Event:

  • Prepare your display and check your products: Ensure your display is visually appealing and accurately represents your brand. Double-check your products for quality and quantity to avoid any last-minute surprises. Setting up your display at home and trying ideas out first is also a great way to feel confident in your displays.
  • Promote the event to your audience: Leverage your social media channels, email lists, and website to spread the word about your participation in the event. Create engaging content that highlights what attendees can expect from your stand.
  • Use event hashtags: Incorporate event-specific hashtags in your social media posts to increase visibility and reach a wider audience. This also helps attendees find and connect with your business before, during, and after the event.


On the Day:

  • Set up in plenty of time: Arrive early to set up your stand/space comfortably. Rushing leads to errors and can create a negative first impression. A well-organised stand sets the tone for positive interactions with attendees.
  • Do not sit/stand behind a desk and certainly don’t read!: Engage with attendees actively by standing in front of your stand and maintaining eye contact. Avoid distractions like reading or being on your phone, as it sends the message that you're disinterested.
  • Work the room and talk to everyone including other exhibitors: Take the opportunity to network with other exhibitors as well as attendees. Building relationships with fellow businesses can lead to collaborations and referrals in the future.
  • Do you need someone to attend with you to meet footfall/demand? Assess whether you need additional staff to handle the influx of visitors. Having extra hands can help manage crowds, answer questions, and ensure no potential leads slip through the cracks.
  • How are you going to capture attendees' data? Implement a system for collecting contact information from interested attendees. This could be through digital sign-up forms, business card drops, or interactive activities at your stand. Think business cards in a fish bowl, branded sweets or merch, take a look at my video for more ideas.
  • How are you attracting people over to your stand? Offer something unique or interactive to draw attendees to your stand, such as product demonstrations, giveaways, or engaging games. What about an entertainer or magician? Make sure your stand design stands out and is inviting.


After the Event: 

  • Follow up: Reach out to leads within 24-48 hours after the event to keep the conversation going. Personalise your follow-up messages to remind attendees of your interaction and continue building rapport. Mastering business events requires careful planning, active engagement, and strategic follow-up. Plan your follow up time in the diary so that it happens.

You can find the video version of this blog here: 

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