Dodging The Comparisonitus Bug

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Comparisonitus is on the rise and I'm here to tell you more about it and how you can keep it at bay!

What the heck is comparisonitus?

In this digital age where we're all super-connected, it's dead easy to fall prey to 'comparisonitis', that sneaky habit of constantly measuring ourselves against others. It might not seem like a big deal, but it can really knock our self-esteem and self-confidence sideways.

But remember, what you see on social media is often a glossy highlight reel of someone's life. Behind the perfect photos and cheerful selfies, you might find a stack of dirty dishes, squabbling kids, a chaotic living room, or even someone just putting on a brave face through a tough day.


What can you do about it?

If you're finding yourself battling a case of comparisonitis, here are a few straightforward tips that might just help:

Be Mindful - Notice when you start comparing yourself to others. As soon as you're aware of this, consciously shift your focus away from the comparison game.

Limit social media - If trawling through social media feeds comparisonitis, think about setting boundaries on your usage. Stick to specific times for checking these platforms, or even unfollow accounts that often make you feel a bit rubbish about yourself.

Say Thanks - Instead of focusing on what you don't have, pay attention to what you do. Nurture a sense of gratitude for your unique abilities, achievements, and the good things in your life.

Celebrate Your Wins - Shift your focus from other people's successes to your own achievements, no matter how small they might seem.

Love Yourself - Regularly practise self-affirmation. Remind yourself of your worth and how unique you are.

Stick to Your Own Path - Remember, everyone has their own journey. The person you're comparing yourself to will have their own struggles and challenges that you might know nothing about. Focus on your own path, and your own growth.


It even got me at one point!!

I used to look at other people and wonder how they seemed to have everything sorted, how they looked so flawless and lived seemingly perfect lives.

But I quickly twigged that I couldn't possibly know a person's journey, their trials, their tribulations just from a few pictures. Now, I keep my eyes firmly on my own lane, focusing on my own journey, my own growth, and it's made all the difference.

Tackling comparisonitis is no walk in the park, but by keeping our focus on our unique strengths, our achievements, practising gratitude, and understanding the often-skewed version of life on social media, we can keep it in check and celebrate our individuality.


You don’t have to do it alone!

You can find more tips and support like this for your self-love journey in my book 'A Little Hug from Me to You' which you can purchase here for only £9.99.

All books purchased via this link come with a gift of a free rose quartz heart pendant that I have blessed with Rose Reiki too. 

And feel free to pop me a message and I can see how I can help too. 

Until next time.

Colette x 

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