How An Episode of Friends Inspired a Novel

Yorumlar · 12980 Görüntüler

I wonder if you can guess which episode inspired me...

Let's be honest - 2020 sucked. Everyone was stuck at home, and even the aftermath of the pandemic was rough. People took their time to feel okay about getting some sense of normality back in case it was snatched away again.

I was one of those people who was tentative when it came to emerging into the outside world again. My health was already not great at that time, and as much as I longed for things to be how they used to be, I couldn't quite find my way.

One day, a re-run of Friends came on the TV while I was channel hopping. I never need an excuse to re-watch my favourite show, and it was The One With All The Wedding Dresses.

Monica, Phoebe, and Rachel were trying on wedding dresses, and they all talked about how amazing they felt - as if they were really getting married. The joy they found in dressing up and feeling special was something I was personally missing too. It had been such a long time since I'd had a reason to dress fancy and have fun that I found myself relating to them.

Instead of going wedding dress shopping, I wrote a book. About a woman who is desperate to save her bridal boutique and does so by offering pamper/dress-up evenings for those who want to get out of the house and do something to make them feel good.

I used my own feelings of frustration at what a rut I was in to spark what turned into Picture (Im)Perfect. And I think it turned out nicely! ;)

You can check it out here:


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