No Fear..I’m Staying in My Comfort Zone!!

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Fear is something which keeps us in our comfort zone. It has the potential to stop us in our tracks and take our dreams away from us. We sit in our comfort zone asking ourselves 'what if'......well here's a 'what if' for you....what if the best thing happens

Being in the Grip of Fear

Fear can be a massive barrier. It happens all of the time. People have a fear of heights, fear of spiders - all sorts of fears. In business it is exactly the same. The fear in business usually comes from limiting beliefs. These are past experiences where at some point someone, somewhere has told us that we weren't good enough, we were no good.

My fear was my Father - I had the fear of doing something wrong because I knew there would be consequences. It didn't have to be anything majorly wrong, just not right in his eyes. Obviously I would then be told I was not good enough, I was stupid. This stuck with me for years!

Thankfully I no longer think this way and my thoughts are mine and mine alone.

Living in the Comfort Zone

When we have that fear, its quite natural to stick with what we know, stick to what we know we can do, what we know we are good at. It's are security blanket, our shield, our protection. Ok so we're not going to grow, we're not going to improve and people will pass us by, but that's ok.

No it's not ok!

We have to identify our fears and work out a way to get through them. That is how we get the control back. We have to retrain our minds about how we think about the negatives.

Is it easy...No..Is it worth it..YES!!!

Beyond the Comfort Zone

What is there outside of this fluffy, snuggly, warm, cosy comfort area? Well there is growth, opportunities, freedom, choices, empowerment. There are also challenges - they may make you a bit nervous, that's ok - the secret is, its not really nerves, its excitement!

For each step you take out of your comfort zone, the further away from fear you are getting.

How to Leave Fear Behind

The way to leave fear for good is to take everything one step at a time. Whatever it is that you are working through, do it at your own pace, don't try and work through too much at a time or you will get overwhelmed and fear will jump straight back in. Keep everything manageable and celebrate every win, no matter how small.

Fear is something which can be overcome. It is not the controller that you think it is, it is actually trying to protect you. It wants you to stay in your comfort zone so you don't get hurt. But you are stronger than that and you are capable of growing and taking on more than you realise. Embrace your challenges, enjoy the self discovery and bask in the possibilities that are waiting for you.


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