"The 80% Wake-Up Call: Why Most Businesses Don't Sell and How to Change the Outcome"

Kommentarer · 8724 Visningar

Please think about this. If you knew that you only had a 20 percent chance of selling your home, and you knew you needed to sell it, wouldn’t you do everything possible to ensure that the house was ready for a successful sale?

Please think about this. If you knew that you only had a 20 percent chance of selling your home, and you knew you needed to sell it, wouldn’t you do everything possible to ensure that the house was ready for a successful sale? Wouldn’t you set yourself up for success? I daresay that I know the answer to that question.

Why are we not doing that for our businesses?

What happens to the 80 percent of businesses (that’s eight out of ten) that don’t sell? They give away their client base to their com- petitors, just like the business owner in the flyer. I can imagine she was overwhelmed. She may have been aware of resources but was so exhausted between running the business and fighting cancer that she didn’t tap into any of them. She would have needed even more energy to put in the effort for a successful sale. That well had run dry.

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