Periods shouldn't hurt

टिप्पणियाँ · 14564 विचारों

There is no need for periods to hurt. We need to claim our power and our connection to our bodies back

Periods shouldn't hurt

I can hear you all shouting back at me 'Mine do'. But seriously they shouldn't.

Growing up I saw 1st my mum struggling with such a heavy flow she had to double up on her products. I watched women around me talking about how painful they were.

As I became a teenager I watched ladies in white shorts roller skating down the beach while on their period and was taught you should carry on as normal on your period. No need for rest.

I remember once whilst travelling on a coach being doubled up with period cramps, I was 16 I think. I just took paracetamol and rode it out. 

I was on birth control since age 16 so I didn't really have a normal cycle til after my 1st daughter was born when I was 34.

Due to wanting to have a large family with my husband I learnt all about cycle awareness and the physical signs but I never realised there was a spiritual connection too.

I never realised I could 'connect' with my Womb. That she would have feelings and emotions and carry the lineage of my female ancestors.

I started to see my periods with dread as it meant we hadn't conceived that month or we had miscarriaged again.

Once we had decided to stop trying for our 4th child and be content with our family of five I became aware of how much I blamed my Womb for not being able to support me and carry those babies not meant for this world.

I became aware of another way 

Through my contact with my friend Jodie Pritchard , Womb Healer, connecting with my Womb enabled me to heal this anger and establish a loving connection with my Womb. Stella Brookes She Transmutes program helped me so much with this also. Both of these I highly recommend if you are looking to reestablish a connection with your Womb. Jodie healed her endometriosis and now has 3 gorgeous babies.

I also found the power of being spiritually aware of your cycle from reading Wild Power by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Wurlitzer where I finally was able to realise how I could make the most of bodies abilities during different times of my cycle. Like actually I'm supposed to rest during days 1 to 3 of my cycle rather than go roller skating down a beach and that I'm actually more creative and productive in the middle of my cycle. I wish I'd known these things as a teenager. I would have loved and appreciated my body more rather than feeling it failed me.

Painful Periods 

Whilst my mum's periods were so heavy mine were light so fortunately I didn't have to worry about that but as my daughters grow into women one of those appeared to be following in my mum's footsteps with periods so heavy and painful she couldn't leave the house.

Fortunately another amazing friend Holly Swinton who is running the Herbal Remedies for home healing (Learn how to create your own Apothecary) weekend with me in August told me about Motherwort tincture to help balance the Womb and periods. And it's working, my daughters periods are getting lighter. I've made her an essential oil blend to help with her cramps and I make a Herbal tea blend too support her too.

There is another way 

The beauty and magic of using herbs and flowers heal as they support our bodies to balance themselves. The tincture doesn't block receptors etc, it helps the hormones to balance themselves, it nourishes and supports the Womb. Allopathic medicine and treatments are all about treating in isolation rather than the body as a whole. When they treat endometriosis by cutting it out of the body it helps for a while but it doesn't address the reason, the actual root cause of why it was there. Allopathic treats the body like its faulty and we have parts of our body we don't need. Herb support our body by bringing balance and supporting healing of the root cause.

Chinese medicine teaches us before there is a physical manifestation of symptoms their us always an emotional cause. Treat that cause and the symptoms disappear. However if all you do is treat the symptoms they will always come back or manifest physically in other ways. 

If you would like to learn more about supporting your body the natural way with herbs, plants and flowers join me and Holly Swinton for our Herbal Remedies for home healing ( Learn how to create your own Apothecary) August 6th - 8th nr Llanelli Wales. You will learn how to identify and forage for healing plants, flowers and herbs and how to process them to make teas, tinctures, balms and salves etc and how to create your own first aid box and healing medicine chest. This is a family friendly event where activities will be provided for children too. 

We look forward to welcoming you on your herbal healing journey 

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Teal Fox Designs 1 यू

Reading stories like this make me so grateful for apparently living a stress and pain free period life. I guess I was one of the lucky ones x

Kathy Sanderson 1 यू

Let me know when if you want any more information 😁

Rachel Coudron 1 यू

Absolutely loved this blog! Now I'm off to check out all the events and links attached!
