Fragrances and how they affect us.

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I have commented previously on how fragrances affect our moods and how receptive we are to absorbing and learning new information.

Normally I would do a Wellness Wednesday or Wedding Wednesday. However, it has a wee bit of a different take on it today. 
I often mention that fragrances have very strong connections to how we feel and how productive we are.
When Gloria (who I connected with through MIB South Aberdeendshire The Mearns Group) and I, first started discussing the possibility of a collaboration, it was because I had done a post about this very fact. And, when Gloria reached out to me, she mentioned that 'last week she had read an article by a neuroscientise where she was reflecting about "Could the sense of smell be leveraged to enhance language learning experiences?"
It was based on the Proust effect (refers to the phenomenon where certain smells or tastes can have the ability to trigger vivid and detailed memories) and in the article, it gave her some ideas on how to use the sense of smell to learn languages. The main one was to introduce a scent into the sessions and the studying of language.
From there, we touched on what emotions fragrances are conducive to. For example, they can be relaxing which means that you are more receptive to taking in new information, and in this case, it was an excellent match which would go well with the theory as the fragrance was going to help her students' to be more relaxed during her online lessons. 
It is also a well-known fact that fragrances can transport you to a place where you may have had happy memories or wish to visit, or maybe just someplace that you have seen a picture of and think it is beautiful. Gloria knew which image she wanted to portray to her students when they were enveloped by her chosen fragrance and it was to depict an image of sunshine, relaxation, light, Mediteranean Sea and of course being surrounded by warm, friendly people.
So, after sending off a selection of fragrances to a friend of GLoria's, the chouse was made, and it was perfect for what she wanted the fragrance of 'Your Spanish Hub' to be. 

The perfect balance between being relaxed and feeling as though your are basking in the warmth of the sun while listening to the sound of the sea.

I looked at colours for her website, and I knew instantly which colour of tassel for the bookmark I wanted. It was a vibrant turquoise greenish/blue colour. To me, it resonates with the Mediterranean sunshine and the friendliness of Spain.
All of which will you will be able to connect with when you are learning Spanish.

I think we nailed it Gloria :)

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