The Power of Self-Perception and Positive Energy

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The difference between self-love and self-perception and how to radiate positive energy. This book shows you how relationships and life change with a high energy frequency. You already have the power within you to have the life you desire to lead.

The Power of Self-Perception and Positive Energy

Have you ever noticed that when you wake up in a "bad" mood, nothing seems to go the way you desire it to? Someone may flash a super smile at you throughout the day (your chance to switch this "bad" day around), and you can make a choice right there. Flash a huge smile back (begin radiating out a higher frequency vibration) and begin the flow to manifest great things your way, or ignore the gesture the person just sent your way and stay on the low energy vibe, continuing the low or mediocre day.

See, you have control over you. You have control over the energy frequency you are radiating out. You are manifesting every day anyway, why not make it what you desire? It's a no-brainer.

Difference Between Self-Love and Self-Perception

It is important to get clear on the difference between self-love and self-perception. Self-love is taking the time for yourself: meditating, getting a massage, doing things for you. These are extremely crucial but do not address the inside of you, your intuitive self, your intuition and how to recognize it.

Self-perception is what you really think and feel about you. Not what other people think and feel about you, what you "really" think and feel about you. Self-perception is key because by having a great self-perception, you are connected to your intuitive self and will know when your intuition is telling you something and begin to trust it 100% of the time. You will recognize the difference between your Ego and Intuitive Self. The self-perception that you have will dictate how you're radiating out your energies on a daily basis. What you radiate out, will radiate back at you.

Put Yourself First

To get the most out of this book and to shift your self-perception, you need to put yourself first. This isn't selfish. You're more helpful to everyone else when you put yourself first. You radiate out at a higher energy frequency level because your needs have been met. You have spent the time nurturing you, now you are pouring from a full cup or even a cup runneth over. And everyone around you notices a change; sometimes they are not even sure what's different. They just know that something is, and it's pretty amazing.

You will also notice that some of the people you are closest to are shifting their lives as well for the better. Your energies are radiating out so strong that it is having a compound effect. Consistency is key. As long as you make this a priority and it happens every day with consistency, you will shift your life.

How Relationships May Change

You may notice that some people begin to inch away when you start radiating out at a higher energy level. They know something has changed; they just cannot pinpoint what's different. They are not sure why they feel a bit uncomfortable. You are radiating out at a higher energy frequency. They are no longer aligned with the same energy that you are. Why? Because you are now focused on more of the positive, a cup half full approach. You are more secure than you were before. People that are typically negative don't want to feel alone in their negativity. So, when you all of a sudden are not interested in feeding into their negativity and having a pity party with them, those people will start inching away.

This is something that I personally love because it allows you to weed out negativity in your life without too much effort, just by following your intuition! Don't resist and try to fix and bring those people closer. However, you may, in fact, be the very person that lights the way for the others around you by inspiring them to look inward and make positive shifts in their lives even if it's after they have inched away. This is the universe getting you where you are meant to be and making room. Trust the process.

How Much Time Will This Take?

This will only take 10 or 15 minutes out of your entire day! It is so worth it, and when you start seeing amazing results you'll be motivated to keep on going. You will see changes in your life that you never imagined. The changes that will begin to happen around you with circumstances and people will astound you and keep you motivated to keep going.

Secret Tip

It only takes 18 seconds for a thought to stick and begin to retrain your subconscious mind. So, be sure that you are spending your 18 seconds on thoughts and feelings that are allowing you to radiate out at a higher frequency so you will be open to the flow of manifesting your desires into your life and bring those circumstances and people into your life that are on the same high energy frequency. Celebrate each and every small shift for how amazing it really is.

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Alex A 19 w

Great stuff!!!!