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What does it take to become a successful woman? In short, everything. But first and foremost, it takes trust. Trust in yourself, trust in your vision, a clear vision of what you want and desire to create.

Successful Women – What it takes

By El Jedras 


What does it take to become a successful woman? In short, everything. But first and foremost, it takes trust. Trust in yourself, trust in your vision, a clear vision of what you want and desire to create.

Ever since I was young, I dreamed big of having a huge business - a hotel, to be exact. I wanted to run a luxury hotel by the beach, and I would be the boss lady. My grandfather and I talked about building it together, and he shared his own dream of owning an airline with his own fleet of planes. Our dreams were grand, but they felt achievable.

But I soon realized that being a woman made the path to success much more challenging. As a Muslim woman, I was raised with strict rules and beliefs, and my family's expectations for my future didn't align with my own aspirations.

When I left for university, it felt like I was leaving everything behind. My relationship with my father became strained, as he didn't believe girls needed to go to university, let alone live away from home. But my grandfather supported me, and his encouragement gave me the courage to jump into the unknown. I knew my vision of the future was ahead of me and I had to trust myself and my desires or else I would be back home living through the desires of my family.

We must have a vision in our minds - to see what we truly desire - to create it into existence. Everywhere we look, there is something created by someone who first had the vision in their mind.

But it takes more than just a vision. You must have all the ingredients to make a great cake, and even then, it won't turn out well if you don't have the correct tools or environment. You are the one who needs to provide everything, to trust yourself and follow through.

I didn’t always have all the ingredients and the path to success and self-trust took some difficult turns, through difficult and toxic relationships laced with abuse, self-destruction, and sexual trauma. The one thing I kept throughout was my thoughts, my imagination, my ability to go to bed at night and lay besides my abuser and still be able to carry myself to a place I visited often. That place was my imaginary hotel and the support of a man just like my grandfather who had then passed, taking much of my support system with him. It was this vision that helped me see a way out of my darkest world and into my brightest future. What did it take to change my life? Everything.

Years ago, an incredible mentor told me, "El, you need to get out of your own head." I didn't understand it at first, but the following day, I realized that I spent too much time overthinking every element and decision, playing around with the stories of what and why my business wouldn't work. I needed to get out of my own head to see all the possibilities that were available to me. Sometimes we need to get out of our own heads, stop allowing our subconscious thoughts to get so loud that all we hear is the doubts and fears. 

Our subconscious is designed to keep us safe and comfortable, if we try to do something new or change something then the subconscious gets louder. Often described as the little voice in your head, yep that’s the one, always doubting you and turning up your fear dial! Just remember you get to choose how comfortable and safe you wish to feel, and its often when we are outside of that bubble that the magic begins to happen. 

As soon as I began to focus on what I wanted and trust myself, everything began to change. I took more opportunities to share my work, without allowing fear to stamp me with the unworthy mark that I had worn for so long.

I was offered an opportunity to collaborate on a book with a group of incredible minds and entrepreneurs. The book, "How to Create Everything That You Ever Wanted," Created with Leona Burton was released a year ago and was the first time I shared some of my true story and my work with the world. This wasn’t just a book or a chapter is was my truth, our truths, a book that held so much power that I gained friends along the way.

During this time, my business, Evolveology, began to expand, and Feminology Retreats was born, offering profound and magnificent transformations for our guests. I also birthed Trinity Healing, the most powerful work I have created, changing my life and my clients. The Trinity Healing system allows us to heal, create space, and align ourselves with what we truly desire by working through three key areas - the mind, the heart, and the womb space.

For me, what it took was everything - not just healing from past trauma or releasing old and damaging beliefs, but also diving into all three areas of the Trinity Healing system. Each component needed to be worked on, coming together in a powerful system to support my expansion and growth.

I have evolved, and so has my business. What it took was everything, but it all started with me, my trust, and my ignited belief system. I absolutely could do and create anything I wanted, as long as I believed.

Believe in yourself more than anyone else ever could, and you will evolve beyond what you ever imagined.

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Cathlene 20 w

great blog!

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Thank you!
