But WHY? What hurts you?

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If it's important to you you'll find a way, if not you'll find an excuse.

We often hear people talk about their WHY in network marketing and some people find it really hard to connect with their WHY.
I once heard an acronym that has stuck with me. Think of the letters W.H.Y - what hurts you? In order to really connect with and understand that WHY, you have to really bring it back to the beginning of your journey.
For me it was the desire for a different life than I was living. I had just left an abusive marriage and I was desperately seeking change. I wanted a better life. I didn't understand the business completely at the time but I knew I didn't want to go back to full time work and leave my kids in care 12 hours a day.
I joined my original company because I trusted my friend and because of our relationship. This is why people buy from and join me in the business. Because of our relationship and because they trust me.
Seven years on and I have the life I wished for back then but I know there's more. My WHY is still crystal clear. I don't just want a better life, I want the BEST life. I'm not satisfied with mediocre. That's just not for me.
Are you looking for a way to be home with your babies AND still create the life you have always dreamed of?
Send me a message and let's chat. Maybe this alternative lifestyle could be for you too.
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Cathlene 26 w

Great blog!

Karen Sanders Editing 26 w

This is a fab post. I used to find it hard to figure out my why, but after some serious soul-searching, I got there! <3
