Ask Me Anything - Week 1 (The Silly Questions)

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I asked followers of my social media to post questions for me to answer in a blog post each week, and a couple really came through. Naturally, I got some jokey questions, so let's get to those first....

1. When you have a shower do you work from the top down or do you wash randomly?

This made me laugh so much, especially as it was something I have never thought about. So, yesterday, while I was in the shower, I really paid attention.

I work from feet up. I have zero idea why, but that's how I did it. Whether it'll be the same next time, I have no idea.

2. Busted or McFly?

When they both dominated the charts, I seemed to prefer McFly's music, but always liked the songs Busted released. 

However, late last year I saw Busted live and I absolutely loved it. 

3. Bruce Banner or Doctor Strange?

Not a choice I ever thought I'd have to make... and have never thought about it. If I put myself on the spot, I'll say Bruce even if I did dislike the weird him/Natasha romance. It never made sense to me.

4. Favourite Sunset Curve song?

Well, considering they only ever showcase the one, I'm picking that one. Plus, it helps that it's an absolute banger!

So, there we have it. I'll tackle some of the more serious questions next week. If you'd like to submit one (or more) of your own, please head over to my Facebook or Instagram and find this photo to comment.

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