The Great Holistic Debate

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In light of the tearing down of Elle Macpherson post holistic healing claims- a call to all in the holistic field and those affected by breast cancer.

The Great Holistic Debate

I am Rachel CK, I support women in naviating breast cancer diagnosis through treatment and beyond, alongside guiding holistic practitioners in guiding their clients.


This is a call to all who guide well-being groups inspiring women in self leadership around their healthcare and holsitic therapists to raise your voices in the awareness of the incredible impact you have in the lives of the women in your world…


Your work, your support changes lives - I hope you know it. And when you empower a mum in her well being and allow her to rest, feel calmer, change to more healthy habits- you change the energy in her home and change the experience and emotions that her children feel from her too- especially if she has had a cancer diagnosis.


 Mainstream media may be slating and tearing down your industry right now, but they are also affecting your clients belief and trust- this is my call out to remind you of your innate gifts and power, and to remind your audience of the impact you have, your groups, your clients need to know that you are there for them and that the work you do especially if you support women with cancer is not dangerous, and for you can adapt to ensure they feel calm and safe and have a place to go- even if the deep tissue massage is off the table for a while.


If I had not had access to holsitic therapies throughout my treatment - I have no doubt I’d not be here now.

If you have received a diagnosis, have used holistic treatments and therapies before, please know these aren't all unavailable to you now, nor should your faith waver in how supportive these approaches can be - regardless of the main stream media reporting we are currently being subjected to. There is strong and valid reason many cancer charites not only recommend these therapies but also offer them for free in many places.

Are we talking about a cure for cancer ? No this is a conversation about all the other support needed aside of meds for a physical symptom in order to mentally, and physically get through.


I also know deeply of the healing at a cellular level that are physical, and the positive impact of healing at the root cause but that’s a conversation for another day 


Having supported myself integratively, and having had so much support holistically that hugely and positively impacted my whole treatment journey almost 6 years ago and every step of recovery , I will always advocate not only for all the choices being on the table and women advocating for their right to choose without being made to feel torn down, but I will also always be the voice for the huge positive impact the holsitic industry as a whole can offer in this arena and for everyone that has dedicate their life and committed their career to doing so.


 To suggest otherwise is as dangerous to some,  as the inflammatory interviews and ariticles and headlines imply Elles MacPhersons choice was. And let’s just remind ourselves - she’s 7 years thriving and I’ve yet to see one element of main stream media celebrate that - this is also where the issue really lies.

Who’s cheering for Elle??, someone many of us have grown up with who 7 years ago went through hell, having the same thoughts in the dark of the night as many of us also affected by breast cancer  have had, held our children close as their lives flash before our eyes as our mortality comes crashing in - and she made bold choices and is thriving now. Where are those headlines and interviews and conversations? 


love Rachel


You can find me at @thebreastcancerconversations, come join me to add your voice.

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