The Midlife Money Makeover: How to Recession-Proof Your Lifestyle

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How to thrive during menopause and economic challenges. Learn to leverage your adaptability, diversify income, and prioritise self-care for a resilient financial future.

What if I told you that economic downturns—like the current cost of living crisis—could be your greatest opportunity to grow and strengthen your financial future?
I know, it sounds counterintuitive. When we think about recessions or financial crises, the media floods us with stories of loss, panic, and fear. But some people come out the other side stronger, thriving amidst the turmoil. And you can too. Yes, even in midlife, and even during menopause.

Let’s be honest, menopause is already a time of massive transition. Hormones wreak havoc on your confidence, your energy, and even your ability to think clearly. Combine that with an economic crisis, and it’s easy to feel like the world is caving in. But here’s the thing: midlife women have already proven that they’re adaptable, resilient, and more than capable of diversifying. Now’s the time to put those skills to use for your financial wellbeing.

Why Midlife Women Are Masters of Adaptability

Let’s start with something we’re all too familiar with—adaptation. Ladies, since we were teenagers, we’ve had to adapt to monthly hormonal changes. We’ve shifted our routines, our moods, even our wardrobes every few weeks to accommodate what our bodies were doing. We’ve done this for decades! Menopause is just another phase, albeit a challenging one, but we’ve been training for this.

The menopause journey, demands adaptability. Right now, as the cost of living rises, resources become scarcer, and global uncertainty grows, we need to adapt our financial habits to survive—and thrive. If we’ve shown anything over the years, it’s that we can adjust when the situation calls for it. Now it’s time to take those skills and apply them to our finances.
Ladies, let's take a moment to appreciate our innate adaptability. Since our first menstrual cycle, we've been adjusting our lives every month. We've learned to:

- Adapt our routines

- Diversify our wardrobe choices

- Plan ahead for our needs

This adaptability is our superpower in facing both menopause and economic challenges. We're not newcomers to change – we're seasoned pros!

Diversify, Diversify, Diversify

You’ve likely heard the phrase “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” When it comes to financial security, diversification is the key. Back when many of us were in school, the message was clear: get a good job, stick with it and eventually retire. But that doesn’t hold true, especially during times like these and not something I was taught by my father.

In midlife, financial diversification yields to having multiple streams of income. Maybe that means picking up freelance work, investing in a side business, or learning a new skill that can open up more opportunities. The point is not to rely on just one source of income—because that’s a recipe for disaster if that source dries up.

We’ve seen this happen before during the pandemic, and even now with natural disasters wiping out entire industries overnight. The lesson is simple: spread your resources, your skills, and your income streams. That’s how you recession-proof your life.

Step 1: Evaluate Your Current Financial Situation

Before you can create a recession-proof plan, you need to understand where you stand right now. Take a good, hard look at your current financial situation. What’s coming in? What savings or investments do you have? Are there gaps you need to fill?
Write everything down.
Now, look at your expenses. What’s going out? Are you still paying for things you don’t use anymore? (Hello, subscriptions you forgot you signed up for!) Can you simplify your life and cut out anything unnecessary?

Subscriptions—Are They Really Serving You?

Speaking of subscriptions, let’s take a moment here. We live in a subscription economy—Netflix, Amazon Prime, coffee clubs, beauty boxes. Most of us have been paying for some of these services for years, and barely use them anymore. Sure, they don’t cost a lot individually, but when you add them up, they’re likely draining more of your resources than you realise.

What if, instead of wasting money on subscriptions that don’t bring any real value, you could invest that same amount into something that grows your financial future?
(By the way, there’s a subscription out there that can help you do exactly that. If you’re curious, drop me a line and we can chat about it.)

Step 2: Adapt to the Current Economic Climate

Just like you’ve adapted to every curveball life has thrown at you, now’s the time to adjust to the current financial climate. Here are a few ways you can adapt:

  • Reduce expenses: Identify where you can cut back without affecting your quality of life.

  • Find new income streams: Look for opportunities that align with your skills but offer different revenue sources.

  • Stay ahead of trends: Keep an eye on emerging industries and technologies that might provide financial opportunities.

Remember, the key here is flexibility. The more adaptable you are, the more you’ll be able to adjust to whatever challenges come your way—whether that’s in your personal life or in the global economy.

By the Way...

As we’ve been discussing financial health, I can’t help but think about how often we overlook our own mental and emotional health during times of crisis. Menopause itself can knock your confidence, and financial stress only adds to that pressure. That’s why self-care and personal development are non-negotiables.

When you take care of yourself—physically, emotionally, and mentally—you’re better equipped to face any challenge that comes your way.
(And if you’re interested in resources that help with both financial and emotional well-being, my membership offers just that. Drop me a message if you want to know more!)

Step 3: Invest in Personal Development

This is the part where you get to focus on you. What are the skills or passions you’ve always wanted to pursue but never had the time for?
Maybe it’s something that could bring in extra income. Or maybe it’s something that enriches your life in ways that go beyond money.
Investing in yourself—whether it’s learning a new skill, starting a side hustle, or simply taking time for self-care—pays off in every way. And in a recession, being adaptable and well-rounded is your secret weapon.

Recession-Proofing Is About Growth, Not Just Survival

So, there you have it: the key to a recession-proof lifestyle lies in diversification, adaptability, and self-investment. You’ve already shown that you can handle whatever life throws your way. Now it’s time to apply those same principles to your finances and come out on top.

The current economic crisis may feel like a burden, but it’s also an opportunity—a chance to grow stronger and build a more secure financial future.

Continuation of Your Menopause Success Journey:

So there you have it—hot flashes, cold cash, and everything in between. If you want to dive deeper into these topics, join me in my Facebook group Menopause Midlife and all the ****. We’re a supportive community of women going through the same thing, and we’re here to help each other through it. The menopause journey is a continuum. From perimenopause and on through into postmenopause, having people who understand and support you is essential. It's not the end of your life's journey; it's a phase, and having the right community can make all the difference.

I make it my mission to support women with their transition along the menopause journey and to signpost to the best financial opportunities for their circumstances. To talk further please use this link to book a call and discuss further support.

If you would like to join a supportive community, please drop me a line here. I love hearing from midlife women going through the menopausal transition.

Pssst, you can also check out my Menopause Midlife and all the ****. It includes monthly strategies and a community of women at the same life stage as you.

Click here to take a look at our membership to make every day just that little bit easier.

The Video Version for Those Who Prefer

For More on This Topic Try Here:

From Boardroom to Beach: How to Fund Your Dream Life with a Side Hustle

Your Menopause Self-Mastery Checklist:

Here is a quick checklist for you to think about when taking back control and getting back on track during your menopause transition.


  • Embrace self-care during menopause

  • Develop resilience through menopause

  • Goal-set to thrive through menopause

  • Join a supportive community Menopause Midlife and all the ****

  • Nurture healthy relationships during menopause

  • Leverage emotional intelligence for menopause well-being

  • Self-reflect and monitor personal growth throughout your menopausal transition.

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