Stop Missing What Is Right in Front of You

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We’re so busy looking for quick fixes or waiting for someone else to have the answers that we forget to listen to the answers already inside us. The beautiful world and the amazing people around us often go unnoticed, not because they’re not there, but because we aren’t looking.

The beautiful world and the amazing people around us often go unnoticed, not because they’re not there, but because we aren’t looking. Everything seems to be electronic these days, and it’s all right at our fingertips, compressed into a little box with a screen. That’s where our heads are most of the time by default, we’re plugged in.

I used to feel like I was always answering emails, replying to texts, and keeping up with messages on social media. My mind was constantly racing, jumping from one thing to the next. There was never a moment to breathe, and it started to wear on me. I began to realize that life is different now than it used to be. There’s so much pressure to stay connected, to respond quickly, and to keep up with everything happening online. It’s as if we can’t let ourselves fall behind, but that constant connection takes a toll on us. We are missing the beauty in our surroundings and people that are right in front of us. 

Silence and Stillness

Our bodies weren’t designed for this. We need rest. And I’m not just talking about sleep. Our minds need time to unwind, to take a break, and to disconnect from all the noise. It’s not about getting everything done or crossing off the next thing on your list. It’s about creating space to pause, breathe, and reflect on everything that’s happening around us, the beauty and the people that we are missing when we’re always looking down.

Ahh, The Simple Days

I remember when things were simpler. When I was a kid, none of these distractions existed, and as a community, we were happier. There wasn’t this constant need to be "on." Back then, when we didn’t have access to every single answer at our fingertips, our bodies naturally found moments of rest. But now, we’ve gotten away from that. We’ve become so used to having instant answers and always being connected that we rarely stop, look up, and ask for guidance. And not just from others, but from within ourselves.

We’re so busy looking for quick fixes or waiting for someone else to have the answers that we forget to listen to the answers already inside us. When I take the time to truly slow down, disconnect, and get quiet, I realize that the things I’ve been searching for whether in my relationships, my work, or my personal struggles are already within me. But I can only hear them when I stop and make space to listen.

It's about trusting that inner voice. We already have the wisdom we need, but we’re too distracted to hear it most of the time. If we’re quiet enough, we’ll realize that we’ve been carrying the answers all along. We just need to take that mental break, that moment of stillness to tune into it.

This has changed everything for me. I know that in order to be the best version of myself, I have to take that time to rest, mentally and emotionally, disconnect from digital, and be in the moment around me. It’s not a luxury, it’s something our bodies are built for.  I find more clarity, more peace, and more connection with the world around me.

When I was constantly plugged in, I missed out on so much, the people I care about, the beauty of the world, and the stillness that brings real peace. Now, I prioritize those moments because I know that’s where I find my strength. It’s in the quiet, the pause, and the time I take to reconnect with myself.

So, if you’re feeling like you’re always in motion, always chasing the next thing, I encourage you to pause. Look up. Breathe. Take a break from the constant flow of information, and give yourself the space to reflect. Stop missing the beauty and opportunities that are right in front of you if you will only take time to look up. You’ll be amazed at the clarity that comes when you step back and trust the answers you already have within.

Everything you need is already inside you, you just have to make space to hear it.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!


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