5 Benefits of the Write Here, Write Now Community for Indie Authors

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Writing communities aren't a new thing, but all communities are NOT created equally. Take a look at what the Write Here, Write Now Community offers indie authors.

Writing communities are an amazing thing for indie authors. There are many free communities out there, but what if you want something just a little more? The Write Here, Write Now Community offers a different spin on writing communities. Here's why:

It was created by an editor and has an admin team of writing professionals 

When I created Write Here, Write Now, as an editor, it was partially because I wanted to help as many people as possible. But I couldn't run it single-handedly. On my admin team, everyone is an author, but they have other jobs too. One is an alpha reader, one is a former ghostwriter and blog tour co-ordinator, and one is a wiz with graphics, including epic A+ content for Amazon. However, I didn't pick them based on their skills. I picked them based on our closeness as friends, which means we have an excellent rapport, we get each other, and we can run things as a perfect team. No insider fallings out - we are all on the same page to keep the community fresh and running smoothly with our different expertise. 


No question is too stupid

Have you ever asked a question in an author group and been made to feel small and embarrassed? I have. And it SUCKS. In the Write Here, Write Now Community, our members are at varying stages of their author careers—we don't do overinflated egos in our group! This means you can ask any question, no matter how silly you think it is, and be met with only kindness and support. 


We are inclusive

Amongst our community, we have authors who are dyslexic, authors who live with ADHD, authors with anxiety, non-native English speakers, and various other things that sometimes make it challenging for them to be in other groups. As an editor, I take the time to figure out how best I can help each person, and also to ensure the group is a safe space so nobody feels out of place or awkward. 

We take away the loneliness of authordom 

Not gonna lie, writing can be lonely. Hours can be spent typing away, only to realise we haven't spoken to anyone or even eaten or drank. The Write Here, Write Now Community hosts regular Zoom coffee meetings and writing sprints, as well as several other events to ensure nobody is alone. 


We teach what you need to know in LESS TIME

No one person knows all there is to know about writing and publishing. However, regular masterclasses with professionals mean we cover as many aspects of authordom and self-care as we can. We think outside the box too - we have even had a group reiki session! The fact is, there is a LOT to learn about writing, and instead of spending hours Googling how to write, how to plot, and all the other questions you have, you can find what you need right within our community! 

There are SO many other things within the Write Here, Write Now Community for you to enjoy!

If you want to find out more, click here and come join our little posse! 


Other blogs by Karen:
The Power of Masterclasses Within A Writing Community 

Are You Taking Care of All Your Authorly Needs



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